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Extension and Formation Initiative 2014 ® 1. Statistics Society present in 161 of 184 Dioceses 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Extension and Formation Initiative 2014 ® 1. Statistics Society present in 161 of 184 Dioceses 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extension and Formation Initiative 2014 ® 1

2 Statistics Society present in 161 of 184 Dioceses 2

3 Statistics 3

4 Society is present in 25% of 17,000+ Parishes 4

5 Councils with Highest Percentage Conferences/Parishes Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA Fall River, MA Atlanta, GA St. Louis, MO Oakland, CA Seattle, WA Portland, OR 87/93 = 94% 80/90 = 89% 74/89 = 83% 72/88 = 82% 149/187 = 80% 64/83 = 77% 103/147 = 70% 87/124 = 70% 5

6 Where we want to be By 2020, the Society wants to increase its number of Conferences by 2,000 6

7 Where we want to be By 2020, there will be a total of 6,400 Conferences out of 17,000+ parishes 7

8 Where we want to be Reaching 6,400 Conferences will require starting more than one Conference per day somewhere in U.S. Even at that, it still will leave 11,000 parishes in which to grow 8

9 Initiative Summary The purpose of the Initiative is to substantially increase the presence, impact and service potential of the Society This way, members in every parish in every diocese have opportunity to grow in holiness as they seek the face of Christ in those we serve This way, we can reach and serve more people in need 9

10 Initiative Summary This Initiative intends to invite Catholics, and others who share their values to: Join our mission of direct personal service to those in need Accompany in humility and mutuality, those who walk the journey out of poverty Embrace our vision to end poverty through systemic change 10

11 Initiative team has sub-teams to: Develop new Councils and Conferences Revitalize existing Conferences and Councils not functioning fully Inspire and motivate youth in grade school and high school to serve in the Vincentian spirit 11

12 Initiative team has sub-teams to: Provide models and opportunities for those of college age and beyond Organize new ways to serve and grow in holiness 12

13 Build strong foundation of diversity in membership and leadership Prepare a process to identify and instill the charism in associate members Formation processes to result in a renewed and vibrant society at all levels Initiative team has sub-teams to: 13

14 Develop structures and methods to recruit and support objectives Develop materials and processes to inform and inspire Initiative team has sub-teams to: 14

15 Initiative Team Members (in alphabetical order) Michelle Boyer (National) Margarita Galindo (San Diego) Sheila Gilbert (Indianapolis) Althea Graham (Detroit) Ron Guz (St. Louis) Pam Johnson (National) Sr. Kieran Kneaves (National) Suzanne Markiewicz (Greensburg) Marge McGinley (Trenton) John Miscik (Birmingham) Gary Stevens (National) Mike Syslo (National ) Bob Travers (Boston) * Plus 8 sub-committees headed by team members. Each sub-committee had 5- 6 members from various parts of the country: members, leaders and paid staff 15

16 Extension: New Conferences and Councils within non-SVdP Diocese Meet with Bishop and garner his support to start Conferences and a Council Attend with presbyteral council/ deanery meetings and provide short 10 minute talk on value of SVdP Get copy of Diocesan directory and review Diocesan newsletter for information on parishes 16

17 Extension: New Conferences and Councils within non-SVdP Diocese Meet with parish priest, provide “Pastor Orientation” and schedule “Invitation to Serve” 17

18 Extension: New Conferences and Councils within Existing SVdP Diocese If no Council is set up, request an Extension team to establish a Council If Council does exist, request they start an Extension committee and provide guidance Designate a Mentoring Conference to provide guidance and training 18

19 Formation “A Journey Together Toward Holiness” Serving in Hope Module VI: Our Vincentian Conference 19

20 Formation Presidents at all levels to become “Servant Leaders” Every Conference and Council will have an active Spiritual Advisor 20

21 Revitalization Of all reasons for Conferences/Councils to be revitalized, all are considered measurable in some way 21

22 Revitalization Most are revitalized through further formation or training - some through recruitment It takes about six months to go through revitalization process It could take three months more if Conference or Council is not on board 22

23 Revitalization Revitalization generally a top-down process 23

24 Revitalization Revitalized Conferences expected to fulfill minimum requirements for Conferences Requirements include Ozanam Orientation and Invitation to Serve Recommend creation of Revitalization Toolbox 24

25 Youth Develop a vision for youth involvement within Society Establish reachable, nationwide goals without duplicating existing programs Create path for better communication and support 25

26 Youth Develop training program for youth group leaders Create youth formation videos and materials Establish new nationwide youth initiatives 26

27 Youth Design alternative models for youth involvement Initiate high-profile community service events 27

28 Young Adults: 19 through 39 years old Design alternative models for young adult involvement accounting for realities of life for this age group’s work life, relationship status and family, etc. 28

29 Young Adults : 19 through 39 years old Develop new (and update existing) Young Adult materials and increase use of existing social media and build a presence on new social media sites to reach each group Design strategies for increasing implementation and long-term success of traditional young adult Conferences 29

30 Young Adult Extension and Formation Initiative Associate Member Communication Revitalization Extension/Recruitment Youth Structure Formation DiversityDiversity 30

31 Diversity 31 The purpose of the Diversity Recruitment Team is to assure the conscious inclusion of diverse populations in the Extension Initiative

32 Diversity 32 An Unconscious Bias is an assumption, a feeling, a prejudice you don’t even realize

33 Diversity 33 The ARC in Diversity A ccept R espect C onnect

34 Associate Members: Spirituality Vincentian Associate Members (VAMs) will be formed in Vincentian spirituality This includes Serving in Hope modules and invitation to participate in all Vincentian spiritual-related activities VAMs will be formally commissioned into Society 34

35 Associate Members : Formation VAMs will be formatted in mission, vision, history, structure and strategic plan using Ozanam Formation materials, Serving in Hope, The Rule and The Manual 35

36 Associate Members: Recruitment VAMs will come from Catholic and other religious communities who accept Vincentian values VAMs will be individuals who cannot commit to requirements of being a traditional Vincentian, but want to volunteer their time and efforts to participate in the Vincentian charism 36

37 Communications Promote E-F Initiative and Module VI of Serving in Hope in 2015 37

38 Communications Promote existing and develop new materials for E-F Promote SVdP to religious leaders, as they are important to development and growth of Conferences and Councils 38

39 Systemic Change 1)Empowerment 2)Mentoring 3)Collaboration 4)Advocacy 39

40 What is needed through National Council? Set up extension team(s) to support Regional VPs (funding required) Develop tools/materials needed Monitor and display results of progress at each National meeting 40

41 What is needed through regions? Current E-F Initiative Task Force (EFITF) remains in place and active Some members already responsible for their areas of Strategic Plan goals Each Regional VP will appoint Regional Extension Leader to enact Initiative 41

42 What is needed through regions Regional Extension Leader appoints individuals to implement master plan Regional Extension Leader and Team 1.Available to help grow Society in dioceses with no SVdP presence 2.Available to assist local Councils in E-F Initiative efforts Materials will be acquired from National Council 42

43 What is needed through regions Timeline will be established to target completion of this part of the plan Monthly follow-up provided via email from Regional Extension Leaders Regular communications between EFTIF and Regional Extension Leaders 43

44 What is needed through local Councils? Each local Council will appoint Council Extension Leader who will form Council Extension Team Council Extension Team responsible for coordinating extension and revitalization efforts Regular communication between Council Extension Teams and Regional Extension Teams Council Extension Team accountable to local Council/Board 44

45 Extension-Formation Timeline Sept. 2014 Introduce E-F Initiative at Annual Meeting Councils/Regions begin assembling teams for E-F Jan. 2015 Instructive conference calls, webinars and seminars begin April 2015 Rollout E-F Initiative Have materials ready, goals/objectives established Councils/Conferences put plans together Aug. 2015 Annual Meeting in Providence, RI - all preparations complete 45

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