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Collecting Information on Mental Factors The Mental Toughness Questionnaire.

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1 Collecting Information on Mental Factors The Mental Toughness Questionnaire

2 Starter Questions 1.What are the 4 factors that impact on your performance when playing any sport? 2.Give one reason for collecting information on your performance. 3.What method did we use to collect information on Physical factors through badminton? Explain one reason for using this method. 4.What method did we use to collect information on Physical Factors, specifically CRE? Explain one reason for using this method.

3 Collecting Information on Mental Factors In our course we look at 3 mental factors and how they will impact on our performance. Concentration Level of Arousal Decision Making

4 Collecting Information on Mental Factors Method = The Mental Toughness Questionnaire QuestionTrueFalse I frequently worry about mistakes I get really down on myself during a performance I get distracted by what the coach thinks I get too nervous to really perform to my potential. I tend to get easily distracted

5 Describing the Mental Toughness Questionnaire The questionnaire is in a paper format and has 42 questions based on mental factors such as concentration and level of arousal. An example of a question is: " I tend to get easily distracted " For each section I answer the questions as either true or false in relation to my mental toughness. After completing the questionnaire I use the marking scheme to calculate my overall score: 36 – 42 = strength in mental toughness 32 - 35 = average mental toughness 31 or below = weaknesses in mental toughness

6 Question: Explain why we used this method. Reason 1 It is easy to set up, doesn’t need lots of equipment and doesn’t take a lot of time. Therefore, more time can be spent on training and developing your mental toughness. Reason 2 The written format provides a permanent record which makes it easier for comparison at a later date. When a performer is redoing the questionnaire it will be easy to see if improvements are being made. No Improvements =Training needs to be adjusted Improvements = Motivation to keep working hard

7 Question: Explain why we used this method. Reason 3 Your strengths and weaknesses can be identified from the questionnaire. Because of this you can then select the appropriate methods and set yourself targets to improve these weakness.

8 Factors Impacting on Performance Unit Outcome 1.1 Analysing methods used to identify factors impacting performance. Pupils must select two different factors. For each factor they must analyse and provide a minimum of two relevant aspects related to each method. Each method identified must be different for the two factors. The focus here is for pupils to explore and analyse the advantages and any disadvantages of the selected methods and draw a conclusion based on your analysis.

9 Factors Impacting on Performance Unit Outcome 1.1 Simple Terms! Physical Factor Stroke Repertoire Observation Schedule or Cooper Test Short description What are the advantages and disadvantages

10 Factors Impacting on Performance Unit Outcome 1.1 Simple Terms! Mental Factor The Mental Toughness Questionnaire Short description What are the advantages and disadvantages

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