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The nature valuables of the Masurian Canal. The location of the Masurian Canal Along with the surrounding area the location determines a zone of the Masurian.

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Presentation on theme: "The nature valuables of the Masurian Canal. The location of the Masurian Canal Along with the surrounding area the location determines a zone of the Masurian."— Presentation transcript:

1 The nature valuables of the Masurian Canal

2 The location of the Masurian Canal Along with the surrounding area the location determines a zone of the Masurian Canal affecting the nearby terrains. The zone of the Masurian Canal within 5701 ha has been marked out artificially, as the need of this study has been arisen, with a view of indicating the nature valuables of the ground and it encompasses the Jeziora and Wilcze Forestry and the Dziedzice complex, which is located in the Lączki Forestry.

3 The location of the Masurain Canal Due to its inaccessibility of the adjacent terrains the zone of the Masurian Canal allows to enjoy the abundance of its flora and fauna. Numerous reserves, monuments of nature and a zone of silence are the elements serving the protection of this abundance. Swamps, flood plains, forest complexes offer convinient conditions for birds and animals to live. The lack of industry and a little urbanization let rare species of plants survive.

4 The protection of the environment  Within the presented area there are many forms of protecting the nature, which indicates the nature abundance of these grounds. We can distinguish: * the terrains named Natura 2000: a) the Warmińska refuge – 4829 ha b) Oświn lake and its surroundings – 355 ha c) the refuge at Oświn lake – 1118 ha *The terrains of the protected scenery at Oświn Lake – 4611ha

5 The nature reserves  The nature reserves:  a)Siedem Wysp lake – 11,29 ha  b)Bajory – 216,37 ha  c)Kałeckie Błota – 186, 48 ha

6 In 1988, according to the ordinance of Ministry of Nature Protection and Nature Resources, the Bajory and Kałeckie Blota reserves were brought into being. One of the Bajory reserves is compactly related to the Masurian Canal because it comprises part of the Masurian Canal making up 51,51 ha. & 3 p. 5 ‘ the Masurian Canal within the distance from the boundary of the country to Osiek lake within 51,51 ha” Unfortunately, the reserves do not possess any protection plans which would rationally enable to exploit their potentials to reconcile the aim of the protection with the tourist developement.

7  1.& 3.1One recognizes the nature reserve named „Bajory” as the area of forest, arable land and the section of the Masurian Canal within 216, 37 ha located in the Srokowo community in the olsztyńskie voivodeship. The purpose of the protection is to preserve the breeding grounds of various water and mud animal species on account of scientific and teaching reasons.  2. the reserves comprises: 1) the area of forest within 55,43 ha marked in the design of arranging a forest farm in the Wilcze Forestry of the Forest Inspectorate in Srokowo in the decade of 1976 – 1986 as brands of forest 41, 97, 102. 2) other lands of the Forest Inspectorate in Srokowo within 86,53 ha, marked on the filing map as plots 1,2,106 – 114, 116-133,134/1, 135- 138,142-194 within Bajory, 3) the arable lands within 22,54,ha being the possession of the Country, governed by the State Owned Forming Enterprise in Srokowo, the firm in Brzeżnica, marked on the filing map as plots 10 ( part) and 14 (part) within Kałki, 4) the lands of the State Owned Fund of Grounds within 0,35 ha, marked on the filing map as plot 12 (part) within Kałki, 5) the Masurian Canal within the distance from the Country boundary to Osiek lake within 51,51 ha, 6) a road within 1,10 ha

8 The environmental protection of the fauna species The environmental protection of the fauna species: 10 protective zonas around the birds refuges comprising 303 ha (2 refuges of the black stork and 8 refuges of the lesser spotted eagle)

9 Fauna - Insects Within the zone of the Masurian Canal there has been provided evidence of the large copper and the large white-faced darter. Old and decayed inside trees, are the positions to live for an unique insect in Europe – the hermit beetle. The hermit beetle is a big beetle, which is a so-called ‘’umbrella” species for other insects living in the woods. It prefers oaks and other deciduous trees growing on the edge of forests and in avenues next to roads. It can be found nearby nature reserves.

10 Fauna -amphibians and reptails The Masurian Canal is a place for amphibians and reptails : the northern crested newt, the European fire-bellied toad, frogs: the moor frog, the edible frog, the marsh frog, toads:the common frog, the European green toad, the Natterjack toad and lizards, the slow worm, the common European viper, the European pond turtle. One catalogued also the Eurasian jay and the swan mussel. (Oświn lake).

11 Fauna – the European beaver Within the Masurian Canal there live the biggest rodents in Poland – European beavers. The beavers build dames causing the movement of water which stops water from flowing. They both build lodges and larders in winter which are places for them to survive.The beaver is a perfect water engineer. It is a very secretive animal.

12 Fauna - birds The habitats at the Canal and within it are favourable to birds of prey to exist but not only. There are: the lesser spotted eagle, the black stork, the white- tailed eagle, the grey heron, the great egret, the kingfisher. Among the existing birds 85% are singing and the so-called „sparrow” birds. Taking breeding birds into consideration the following birds deserve the highest attention: the bluethroat, the barred warbler, the whinchat, the Eurasian blackcap, the river warbler, the common snipe, the greek sandpiper, the hawk, the Montagu’s harrier, the windhover, the kite and the osprey.

13 Fauna A characteristic species for this area are also the otter and a bigger and bigger population of the elk. Within the area of the Masurian Canal there have been catalogued among others the following species in numbers : * elk 29 * red deer 13 * roe deer 230 * wild boar 150 * fox 25 * yen 10 * badger 9 * marten 20 * American mink 26 * raccoon 4 * hare 30 * partridge 10

14 The authors of the project are:  Michał Grab  Damian Wojciechowski  Szymon Dąbek The name of the school : Zespół Szkół im. Marii Curie Skłodowskiej ul. Wojska Polskiego 12 11-400 Kętrzyn, Poland The teacher supervisor: mgr Anna Czałpińska

15 15.The used resources: mazurskiego/,Kanal-Mazurski-niszczejaca- perelka.html#axzz44FH7kUF0 Our own work: Some additional materials have been made available in favour of this presentation thanks to the Forest Inspectorate in Srokowo.

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