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English as a New Language In the Marlboro Central School District.

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Presentation on theme: "English as a New Language In the Marlboro Central School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 English as a New Language In the Marlboro Central School District

2 ENL Faculty Elementary School Jamie Moran and Raquel Piazza Middle School Raquel Piazza High School Jaclyn Woods (.4)

3 ELL population district-wide 2012-201318 2013-201426 2014-201542

4 ELL population 2015-2016 51

5 Students per building HS4 MS9 ES38

6 Languages and Countries Spanish39 Mexico, Guatemala, Perú, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Honduras, US (PR) Mandarin1 China Urdu3 Pakistan Jamaica3 English Russian1 Russia French/Creole1 Haiti Georgian1 Georgia Albanian1 Albania Bengali1 Bangladesh

7 Language Acquisition Levels NEW LABELOLD LABEL EnteringBeginner EmergingLow Intermediate TransitioningIntermediate ExpandingAdvanced CommandingProficient

8 Where our students were in the Spring of 2015 Entering4 Emerging2 Transitioning5 Expanding23 Commanding8

9 What do the levels mean? Entering:word level Emerging:phrases and simple sentences Transitioning: expanded sentences, may have many errors Expanding: varied sentence lengths, more complex Commanding: similar to a native language learner

10 Teaching Requirements Integrated (co-teaching) Stand Alone (pull-out) 2 contiguous grade levels “Commanding” students receive.5 units

11 Time requirements for ENL Entering 1 Integrated1 Stand Alone Emerging 1 Integrated1 Stand Alone Transitioning 1 Integrated Expanding 1 Integrated Commanding.5 Integrated

12 What can co-teaching look like? planning 2. modify or scaffold lessons 3. divide and conquer 4. individualized instruction (as needed)

13 Home and school support Translation sites Google Translate; SpanishDict; Word Reference; engageNY; phone apps (Google Translate; Speak and Translate) Interpreters RBE-RN; colleagues; family and friends Ask your school about Multi-lingual State exams

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