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Managing your Email Account Before it manages you!

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Presentation on theme: "Managing your Email Account Before it manages you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing your Email Account Before it manages you!

2 Managing your Email Account Do you dread opening your email account each day? Are you overwhelmed by the amount of emails your receive daily? Are you missing important messages? There is help…

3 Managing your Email Account Tips, tricks and suggestions for managing your email account: –If you are checking your email each time you receive a “chime” you may be wasting valuable time. Turn the “sound” off if it distracts you. Instead, try checking your email three times a day - first thing in the morning, at midday and at the end of the day.

4 Managing your Email Account When you first open your email, delete unnecessary messages, you should be able to tell from the message line what is important. If it is from Student Support Services, it’s important!

5 Managing your Email Account Use the TWO MINUTE rule. If it will take you two minutes or less to handle the task, do it right now, regardless of how high a priority it is. The theory is: if you use two minutes to take action, that will be faster than filing the email away to handle later.

6 Managing your Email Account Storing hundreds of emails in your inbox, is not a filing system. You shouldn’t have more than 10 messages in your inbox at any one time. Use the features available to you with your CPCC GMAIL account. –Create a filter –Labels (folder)

7 Managing your Email Account What are email topics you can create a filter for and send the emails to a folder? You can create filters for both important and not so important emails. –Chain letters –Sales pitches, the Amazon ads, newsletters, social network notifications, anything you won’t want in a week.

8 Managing your Email Account Helpful labels: –TRiO-Student Support Services –Action needed –Review and delete –Review and keep

9 Managing your Email Account And finally, unsubscribe! It only takes 2 to 3 minutes to unsubscribe to those sites you thought you were interested in! So, if you will sit down, take 30 minutes to 1 hour you can create a system to manage your email account before it manages you!

10 Managing your Email Account Sources:,2817.2401081.00.asp email.htm,2817.2401081.00.asp email.htm email-realistically; Presented by: TRiO- Student Support Services 11/2012

11 Please click on the link to access the quiz: Email QuizEmail Quiz

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