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By Liam McKay.  Kaiser Wilhelm II was the last emperor of Germany.  He was born on January 27th, 1859  He died on June 4th, 1941.

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Presentation on theme: "By Liam McKay.  Kaiser Wilhelm II was the last emperor of Germany.  He was born on January 27th, 1859  He died on June 4th, 1941."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Liam McKay

2  Kaiser Wilhelm II was the last emperor of Germany.  He was born on January 27th, 1859  He died on June 4th, 1941

3  Wilhelm II was very odd, and even came off as mad to others. He went back and forth between liking Britain and loathing Britain, due to his relationship with his mother Princess Victoria, daughter of Queen Victoria.

4  Once Wilhelm II had power to do so, he forced Bismarck to resign from office.  Once Bismarck was gone, Wilhelm II then made changes to Germany that started to worry neighbouring countries.  Two of these changes were naval armaments and making a colonial empire for Germany.

5  Wilhelm II actually incited Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia after the death of Franz Ferdinand, prior to sending the ultimatum.  Did not expect Russia, Britain and France to get involved in the war.

6  Though being the Commander in Chief for Germany, Wilhelm II was just a figurehead.  Military had more power than Wilhelm, due to his questionable choices.  Was told to relinquish the throne by Germany in 1918.  Fled to Holland to avoid being tried as a war criminal by the allies.

7  Wilhelm II made Germany a Militaristic government (run by military.)  Made France and Britain worry about Germany gaining power.

8  Duffy, Michael. Who’s Who – Kaiser Wilhelm II. Web. 12 April 2016.  Mombaur, Annika. Kaiser Wilhelm II: From Early Years to Exile. Web. 12 April 2016.  Rohl, John. Kaiser Wilhelm II: A Concise Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Print.

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