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ICT with Early Years Children Children And Media European Training.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT with Early Years Children Children And Media European Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT with Early Years Children Children And Media European Training

2 Training for primary schools Covered briefly in teacher training at university in one module. Updated during training days (inset days) as continual professional development. Almost all classrooms have interactive white boards, computer suites or laptops trollies.

3 Nurseries & Pre-Schools Very little training during early years qualification. It is mostly up to the individual to update their training Not many settings have interactive white boards Most have access to either desktop or laptop computers

4 Childminders Up to the individual whether ICT is used in their homes Suggested use of Smart phones to send photos to parents during day by childcare experts This would not be sanctioned in pre-schools due to recent high profile child abuse cases

5 Examples form our practice Give out examples and explain


7 7 IWB’s, projectors and screens, light boxes, torches and overhead projectors

8 8 Web cams, digital cameras camcorders and microscope

9 9 Using ICT to support Music & Dance USE ICT to: Explore new techniques, new sounds Compose, record audio/video and playback Value different styles of music & Dance Develop a sense of rhythm and movement Support all areas of learning


11 11 Supporting child initiated play Developing positive relationships with others

12 12 Walkie talkies and mobile phones Helping to develop positive relationships with others

13 13 Supporting child initiated play For developing PSED skills – turn taking

14 Resources that lend themselves to supporting outdoor play: Microscope Digital cameras Music mats Microphones Tape recorders Mobile phones Walkie talkies Mechanical toys: drills etc Petrol Pumps Traffic lights Key fobs Torches Lanterns and fairy lights Remote control vehicles Bee Bots Dictaphones Cash points Metal detectors


16 16 Principles of using an IWB in the EYFS Use in the context of purposeful play Connect with experiences away from the IWB

17 17 Try these web sites for using with the IWB Kaleidoscope painter Jigsaws Simple activities made by Crick software Numeracy and Literacy activities Create your own Spot story A huge range of activities from Kent Stories, rhymes and games BBC Numbertime PBS games, music and videos

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