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Our Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much authority or control.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much authority or control."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much authority or control. Hence our government is made up of three separate branches. Each part of the government is connected to the other. Each has its own responsibilities and powers. A system of checks and balances prevents one branch from gaining too much power. So how does this all work?Founding Fathers Constitutionchecks and balances

3 Use the Internet to explore and identify the three branches of government.  To complete this Web Quest you will need to fulfill the following tasks:  TASK 1 - Create a Tree Map PosterTree Map  Please view the Project Rubric on the Evaluation page to learn what all needs to be included on your Tree Map.  Format for your Tree Map can be found on the last slide of this presentation  TASK 2 – Complete the Quiz on Evaluation page

4  Step 1 – Visit the websites listed under resources to answer the following questions.  What are the 3 branches of government?  Who makes up each branch of government?  What is each of the branches of government in charge of doing? * Be sure to list all of the duties of each branch.  Step 2 – Create your Tree Map compiling all of the information you gathered in Step 1.  Step 3 – Complete the quiz located on the Evaluation page and turn in.

5 United States Government for Kids  Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government  Congress for Kids  htm htm Your Indiana State Government  ns/generic/ingovguide.pdf ns/generic/ingovguide.pdf

6 1 – 4 points5 – 9 points10 points The 3 branches of government Only correctly listed one of the three branches - 1 Only correctly listed two of the three branches - 5 Correctly listed all three branches -10 Who makes up the each branch of government Only correctly gives leaders of one branch - 3 Only correctly gives leaders of two branches - 7 Correctly gives the leaders of all three branches- 10 What are the jobs of each branch Lists only one job for each branch - 3 Lists more than one job for each branch, but some are missing - 8 Lists all jobs for each branch of government - 10 Creativity and Neatness Work was done quickly and sloppy Quality time was spent on this project, shown in creativity and neatness Project Points _____ + Quiz (10 Possible) _____ Total Points ______/50

7  Go to the following link, Print off the quiz, Answer the questions, & Turn in the quiz to your teacher  branches/governmentbranches.htm branches/governmentbranches.htm

8  Now that you have a better understanding of the Three Branches of our Government, you can explore more about our United States Government.  Learn more at  Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids  Congress for Kids

9 3 Branches of Government

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