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Do Now How would your life be different if the following inventions were never invented? Write at least one sentence for each. TelevisionPhoneInternet.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now How would your life be different if the following inventions were never invented? Write at least one sentence for each. TelevisionPhoneInternet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now How would your life be different if the following inventions were never invented? Write at least one sentence for each. TelevisionPhoneInternet

2 How To Research

3 Legitimate online research involves much more than 10 seconds with Google and copy- pasting the Wikipedia links…

4 It’s Called Research for a Reason: Patient repetition Patient repetition Careful filtering Careful filtering Separation of information Separation of information Critical and skeptical mindset Critical and skeptical mindset

5 There are more than 86 billion web pages published, and most of those pages are not worth quoting…. To successfully sift through it all, you must use consistent and reliable filtering methods! To successfully sift through it all, you must use consistent and reliable filtering methods!

6 Decide if the Topic Is Hard Research, Soft Research, or Both: Hard research describes scientific and objective research, where proven facts, figures, statistics, and measurable evidence are absolutely critical. Hard research describes scientific and objective research, where proven facts, figures, statistics, and measurable evidence are absolutely critical. In hard research, the credibility of every resource must be able to withstand intense scrutiny. In hard research, the credibility of every resource must be able to withstand intense scrutiny.

7 Soft research describes topics that are more subjective, cultural, and opinion-based. Soft research sources will be less scrutinized by the readers. Combined soft and hard research requires the most work, because this hybrid topic broadens your search requirements. Not only do you need to find hard facts and figures, but you will need to debate against very strong opinions to make your case.

8 Choose Which Online Authorities Are Suitable for Your Research Topic: Hard research topics require hard facts and academically- respected evidence. An opinion blog will not cut it; you will need to find publications by scholars, experts, and professionals with credentials. Hard research topics require hard facts and academically- respected evidence. An opinion blog will not cut it; you will need to find publications by scholars, experts, and professionals with credentials. Academic journals Academic journals Encyclopedias Encyclopedias Government publications Government publications Government authorities Government authorities Scientific and medical content, sanctioned by known authorities Scientific and medical content, sanctioned by known authorities Non-government websites that are NOT influenced by advertising and obvious sponsorship Non-government websites that are NOT influenced by advertising and obvious sponsorship Archived news Archived news

9 Soft research topics are often about collating the opinions of respected online writers. Many soft research authorities are not academics, but rather writers who have practical experience in their field. Blogs Blogs Forums and discussion sites Forums and discussion sites Consumer product review sites Consumer product review sites Commercial sites that are advertising-driven Commercial sites that are advertising-driven Tech and computer sites Tech and computer sites

10 Use Different Search Engines and Keywords: Firstly, start with broad initial researching (Google, Wikipedia, About, etc.) but remember, that these sources may or may not be credible.

11 Go Beyond Google: School Provided Web Resources: Britannica Online U: whiteplains P: schools Ebsco Online Databases U: s4930193 P: password

12 Cite Your Sources: Remember not to plagiarize! Remember not to plagiarize! Copy and paste all of your sources in a Word Document so that you can cite them at a later time. Copy and paste all of your sources in a Word Document so that you can cite them at a later time.

13 Your Task: Begin researching your technological invention. Be sure to log all of the sources you use and write down notes in each category on the provided handout. Begin researching your technological invention. Be sure to log all of the sources you use and write down notes in each category on the provided handout. Questions?? Questions??

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