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Presentation on theme: "SEWER TRUNK LINE REHABILITATION PROJECT (Alexandria Place, Black Oak and Navy Drive) COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 14.1."— Presentation transcript:


2 On February 24, 2015 – Public Works recommended that Council approve a motion to execute an Amendment to the Professional Services Master Contract with West Yost Associates in the amount of $592,184 for design of this project On February 24, 2015 – Public Works recommended that Council approve a motion to execute an Amendment to the Professional Services Master Contract with West Yost Associates in the amount of $592,184 for design of this project Council tabled the item and requested additional information regarding the selection process Council tabled the item and requested additional information regarding the selection process PROJECT BACKGROUND

3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project will rehabilitate three existing large diameter pipelines: Project will rehabilitate three existing large diameter pipelines: Alexandria Place – 7,417 foot long 48- and 54-inch Alexandria Place – 7,417 foot long 48- and 54-inch Black Oak – 3,200 foot long 30-inch Black Oak – 3,200 foot long 30-inch Navy Drive – 3,920 foot long 48-inch Navy Drive – 3,920 foot long 48-inch Complexity of Project Complexity of Project Project within streets, private and public utility easements Project within streets, private and public utility easements Pipes are 15 to 21 feet deep Pipes are 15 to 21 feet deep Involves the Railroad, County, and State jurisdictions Involves the Railroad, County, and State jurisdictions Involves complex traffic control Involves complex traffic control Pumping diversion plans needed Pumping diversion plans needed Varying construction methods and repair techniques involved Varying construction methods and repair techniques involved Feasibility analysis of potential rehabilitation techniques required to avoid impacts and reduce costs Feasibility analysis of potential rehabilitation techniques required to avoid impacts and reduce costs

4 PROJECT LOCATION – Alexandria Place and Black Oak


6 Awarding contracts for professional services differ from awarding construction, goods and services: Awarding contracts for professional services differ from awarding construction, goods and services: Professional Services for studies, testing, and engineering Professional Services for studies, testing, and engineering State Government Code requires award based on qualifications for the specific project State Government Code requires award based on qualifications for the specific project City specifies the selection process in Request for Proposal (RFP) documents City specifies the selection process in Request for Proposal (RFP) documents City ranks proposals then negotiates with top ranked firm City ranks proposals then negotiates with top ranked firm Contracts for construction, goods and services are awarded based on lowest competitive price Contracts for construction, goods and services are awarded based on lowest competitive price Require detail plans and/or specifications which guide contractors to bid projects Require detail plans and/or specifications which guide contractors to bid projects PROJECT SELECTION PROCESS

7 RFP for Project issued to 12 consultants, proposals received from: RFP for Project issued to 12 consultants, proposals received from: West Yost Associates, Davis West Yost Associates, Davis Carollo Engineers, Walnut Creek Carollo Engineers, Walnut Creek Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck, Inc., Stockton Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck, Inc., Stockton HDR, Inc., Walnut Creek HDR, Inc., Walnut Creek RFP criteria for evaluating firm’s qualifications: RFP criteria for evaluating firm’s qualifications: Technical experience in performing work of closely similar nature, experience working with public agencies and performing public outreach, record of completing work on schedule, strength and stability of the firm and assessments by client references (25 points max) Technical experience in performing work of closely similar nature, experience working with public agencies and performing public outreach, record of completing work on schedule, strength and stability of the firm and assessments by client references (25 points max) Qualifications of project staff, key personnel’s level of involvement in performing related work, logic of project organization, adequacy of labor commitment, and concurrence with the restrictions on changes in key personnel (25 points max) Qualifications of project staff, key personnel’s level of involvement in performing related work, logic of project organization, adequacy of labor commitment, and concurrence with the restrictions on changes in key personnel (25 points max) Familiarity with available construction methods, limitations and benefits, and recognition of potential project challenges (25 points max) Familiarity with available construction methods, limitations and benefits, and recognition of potential project challenges (25 points max) Appropriate tasks and deliverables in the proposed implementation plan, including a proposal schedule that is responsive and realistic (25 points max) Appropriate tasks and deliverables in the proposed implementation plan, including a proposal schedule that is responsive and realistic (25 points max) PROJECT SELECTION PROCESS Continued

8 Firm NameScoreRank Rank if 5 Point Local Preference Allocated Total Amount West Yost Associates, Davis 9011$ 592,184 Carollo Engineers, Walnut Creek 8622$672,947 Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck, Inc., Stockton 7833$597,500 HDR, Inc., Walnut Creek 6644$1,417,270

9 Top ranked firm demonstrated: Top ranked firm demonstrated: Best level of knowledge and familiarity with technical alternatives Best level of knowledge and familiarity with technical alternatives Best analysis of solutions to address potential construction impacts to community Best analysis of solutions to address potential construction impacts to community Experience on multiple projects of similar scope and constraints Experience on multiple projects of similar scope and constraints Best understanding of tasks/deliverables to deliver project on schedule Best understanding of tasks/deliverables to deliver project on schedule Comparisons between top ranked and local firm Comparisons between top ranked and local firm KSN demonstrated experience with design and installation, or replacement, of smaller diameter sewer lines KSN demonstrated experience with design and installation, or replacement, of smaller diameter sewer lines Limited experience with larger diameter pipelines Limited experience with larger diameter pipelines Limited alternative rehabilitation technique experience Limited alternative rehabilitation technique experience PROJECT SELECTION PROCESS Continued

10 SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION PROGRAM Project NamePipe SizeYearFirm Name 2009 Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project6” – 12”2009Siegfried Engineering, Stockton 2010 Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project6” – 10”2010Siegfried Engineering, Stockton 2011 Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project6” – 12”2011Siegfried Engineering, Stockton Gleason Area (Church and Stanislaus St)6” – 10”2011KSN, Stockton (surveying only), City Staff 2012 Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project6” – 8”2012Siegfried Engineering, Stockton 2013 Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project6” – 8”2013Siegfried Engineering, Stockton 2014 Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project6”2014KSN, Stockton 2015 Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project6” – 8”2015Siegfried Engineering, Stockton Tuxedo Avenue Sewer Rehab Project30” – 48”2009RMC Water and Environment, Sacramento Ralph Avenue Sewer Rehab Project30”2013 Siegfried Engineering, Stockton (surveying only), City Staff Consent Decree started in 2009 with California Sportsfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) Consent Decree started in 2009 with California Sportsfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) Significant program started in 2009 following Consent Decree Significant program started in 2009 following Consent Decree 9 of 10 projects have been designed by local firms and/or City staff (see table below) 9 of 10 projects have been designed by local firms and/or City staff (see table below) Of 7 non Consent Decree projects since 2009, 6 have been designed by local firms and/or City staff Of 7 non Consent Decree projects since 2009, 6 have been designed by local firms and/or City staff

11 Staff recommends awarding the contract to West Yost Associates based on their superior experience and knowledge. Awarding the design to any firm with uncertain or limited experience in this specialty area has the potential to result in construction delays and higher costs. Staff recommends awarding the contract to West Yost Associates based on their superior experience and knowledge. Awarding the design to any firm with uncertain or limited experience in this specialty area has the potential to result in construction delays and higher costs. RECOMMENDATION

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