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Springfield Ball Charter School 2013 Annual Report.

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1 Springfield Ball Charter School 2013 Annual Report

2 Student Attendance 2012-20132013-2014 Ethnic GroupMaleFemaleTotalPercentage AMER. INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE 0000.00% ASIAN 1010.26% BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN 668915541.01% HISPANIC OR LATINO 714215.56% WHITE 887516343.12% NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER 1230.79% TWO OR MORE RACES 1817359.26% Totals 181197378 Ethnic GroupMaleFemaleTotalPercentage AMER. INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE 0000.00% ASIAN 1010.26% BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN 728816042.33% HISPANIC OR LATINO 68143.70% WHITE 937717044.97% NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER 0110.26% TWO OR MORE RACES 1715328.47% Totals 189 378

3 Student Discipline 2012-2013 School year: 1405 discipline referrals written Disobeying Directions (19.72%) Continued Level 1 Violations (16.23%) Disturbances –Class/Grounds (14.23%) Disrespect/Insubordination (13.88%)

4 Student Discipline The following were implemented to address the discipline data Restructured PBIS program so that behavioral interventions begin in the classroom and spread out into building wide. Teaching and re-teaching building expectation Clearly aligning discipline and consequences The posting of classroom management plans on teacher websites

5 Student Discipline

6 Board of Directors Nicole Evans -PresidentParent Representative2014 Arthur Moore - Vice PresidentSBCS Community Rep2014 Shaun Moore - TreasurerParent Representative2015 Jamie Sisti - Secretary186 Community Rep2016 Cheree Morrison - Member186 Representative2016 Santita Nunn - Member SBCS Community Rep2014 Kenley Wade - Member186 Community Rep2014

7 Board of Directors Representing Springfield on the Governor’s Task Force for Charter Schools in Illinois o Kenley Wade – Past President Board Goals and Committee Work o Nicole Evans – President

8 Instructional Leadership Team Erin WillenborgPrimary Teacher (K-1) Sheri IwanickiUpper Primary Teacher (2-3) LaTonya DavisIntermediate Teacher (4-5) Lisa TanMiddle Level Teacher (6-8) David KinzerEncore Teacher Heather JohannesLiteracy Specialist Jenna DavisLiteracy Specialist Barb BretzLiteracy Specialist Tiffany Burris Assistant Principal Matt FraasPrincipal

9 Professional Development Calendar August o Introduce Shift 1 September/October o Collect evidence of Shift 1 October o Introduce Shift 2 November/December o Collect evidence of Shift 1 and 2 January o Introduce Shift 3 February/March o Collect evidence of Shift 1, 2 and 3 April/May o Classroom visits and collaboration to increase Shift implementation

10 Student Achievement Reading 186 Achievement GapSBCS Achievement Gap

11 Student Achievement Math 186 Achievement GapSBCS Achievement Gap

12 Student Achievement Reading 186 Achievement GapSBCS Achievement Gap

13 Student Achievement Math 186 Achievement GapSBCS Achievement Gap

14 Student Achievement Factors Small Class Size School of Choice Curriculum Development Instructional Minutes Charter Child Care Family Engagement Diversity Professional Growth Multiage Classrooms Developmental Continuum

15 Student Success Story Peyton West o 8 th grade student

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