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Patricia Sesto, Director May 5, 2016. Study of the biological, chemical, physical, geological, and other attributes of all inland waters * Wetland Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Patricia Sesto, Director May 5, 2016. Study of the biological, chemical, physical, geological, and other attributes of all inland waters * Wetland Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patricia Sesto, Director May 5, 2016

2 Study of the biological, chemical, physical, geological, and other attributes of all inland waters * Wetland Science aka Limnology

3 Habitat Pollution Renovation Thermal Chemical Solids Flood Amelioration Erosion & Sediment Control Water staging * Benefits of Conserving Wetlands and Watercourses

4 People Habitat, too. Original purpose was to protect drinking water supplies

5 * Protects Consumers * Developed wetlands are trouble * Cracked foundations, failing septics, water in the house, deteriorated driveway, on road flooding

6 * Protect you from Property Damage * Eutrophication of ponds and lakes * Flood Control * Scour * Sedimentation

7 * Recreation * Freshwater and Saltwater * Inland actions affect marine environments * Boating, fishing, swimming, wading * All require clean water * Economic benefit * Property Value * Assurance of future expectations

8 * The conservation of wetlands and watercourses has a communal benefit to our health, prosperity, and quality of life. * Wetland protection is a science. We are not all scientists, so we may not know what the right decision is.

9 Not expected to make development go away Is expected to influence development Part of the carrying capacity assessment of a property

10 * Each property has to stand on its own * Degradation occurs by an accumulation of individual acts * Likewise, individual protections have cumulative benefits * The IWWA is limited to protecting wetlands one property or project at a time

11 * No more “35 foot setback” * Guideline was abused * Makes for bad assumptions * Uninformed land use decisions of the past is not a justification to perpetuate the result in the future. * You wouldn’t expect your doctor to still practice 1985 science. * Every applicant needs to justify why less than a 100 foot buffer is justifiable or inconsequential * Drainage Manual – Great, however a signoff from DPW is not the final answer for IWWA

12 * Application documentation * Have been light on ecological evaluations * Onus fell to staff to make assessments * Poor record for agency and applicant * Without the information, to many assumptions are made * Feasible and prudent alternatives test * Statutory obligation * Avenues for discussion to advance application * Enlightens agency on applicants considerations and constraints

13 * Embrace Significant Impact Activity determination * Applications get public hearing * Additional information is required * Agency must make the determination that no feasible and prudent alternative exists with a lesser impact to the wetland or watercourse * Applicant’s burden to prove

14 * Our role is to help applicants and the public, and support the Agency, simultaneously. * Applicants * Be upfront in pre-application reviews without pre-judging * Point out red flags * Give direction on possible improvements * Give direction on necessary supporting documentation * What is needed to make this an approval project


16 * Primary role is to provide technical assistance * Scientific * Legal * Be sure application record supports decision * Help members create a good record

17 * Customer satisfaction * Updated application forms to be shorter and more friendly * Working to move applications through promptly * Staff reports shared two weeks out * Applicants still learning/resisting requirements enforcement * Look for agent review opportunities * Aligned counter hours with Building, Zoning, and Health

18 * Department and Agency are professionally well regarded * I have the ability to look at the workings from an outside, educated perspective. * Can identify things “we have always done” and question why are we still doing it or is there a better way * I am hopeful my expertise and firm, but balanced approach will serve Greenwich well.

19 Thank you! * Patricia Sesto Director

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