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One World… …many faces!. Globes Look at the globe and notice: – Shapes of oceans and land masses – Locations of land masses on the globe – Sizes of land.

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Presentation on theme: "One World… …many faces!. Globes Look at the globe and notice: – Shapes of oceans and land masses – Locations of land masses on the globe – Sizes of land."— Presentation transcript:

1 One World… …many faces!

2 Globes Look at the globe and notice: – Shapes of oceans and land masses – Locations of land masses on the globe – Sizes of land masses and oceans – The overall shape of the Earth-model

3 Map Projections Shaped like a ball with a curved surface spherical A change of the original shape distortion

4 Foldable Notebook Carefully cut out your “foldable notebook” page from the sheet you were given Glue the page into your notebook by the TOP TAB ONLY We’ll create a chart to compare/contrast a map and globe

5 Compare and Contrast What do you see on BOTH the globe and the map? What differences do you notice? What are globes useful for that maps may not be? What may maps be more useful for than globes?

6 Check for understanding: Maps Flat representationLines may be at 90* anglesUseful for directionsDistorts the shape of earth Entire world viewable at once Both LatitudeLongitudeA scale modelCompass rose Globe roundShows tilt of earth Only half the world viewable at once Poles undistorted

7 Map Projections: Many Faces Different projections show different perspectives of the world, because all projections are distortions of the real Earth! Projection: Flattened projection of a curved Earth Perspective: How we look at something

8 Mercator Projection First used to aid Europeans in their expeditions across the sea during the age of exploration Helpful in navigation of ocean waters What do you notice about the lines of latitude and longitude?

9 Gall-Peters Projection Tried to fix the issue of land-area distortion that shows up on the Mercator projection. Huge distortions in the distances from East to West of any location outside of the 45°N/S latitudes What perspective would this map be useful for?

10 Visual Comparison: Mercator & Peters

11 Tobler hyperelliptical projection

12 Azumithal As it is really found on Earth Space Difficult to see continent shapes Distortion

13 Check for understanding: Why are there different perspectives of the world on flat maps? How can different maps serve different purposes?

14 Global Grid

15 Hemispheres

16 Latitude and Longitude

17 Prime Meridian and Co Meridians are also known as lines of longitude. They run North to South between the poles. They are NOT parallel. They measure how far things are on the planet from East to West.

18 Equator and Friends

19 Check for Understanding Can it be HOT, COLD, or EITHER along the Prime Meridian? Is it tropical or arctic along the Equator? If Mrs. M wanted to go on a tropical vacation, should she go between 23.5 degrees north and 23.5 degrees south, or should she go between 45 and 50 degrees north and 45-50 degrees south? Explain.

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