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Graphic Organizers: 1 – Thinking Maps: Thinking made visible (Reuven Feurstein and David Hylerle) 2 - Foldables: Hand-held graphic organizers (Dinah Zike.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphic Organizers: 1 – Thinking Maps: Thinking made visible (Reuven Feurstein and David Hylerle) 2 - Foldables: Hand-held graphic organizers (Dinah Zike."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphic Organizers: 1 – Thinking Maps: Thinking made visible (Reuven Feurstein and David Hylerle) 2 - Foldables: Hand-held graphic organizers (Dinah Zike - Susan Laninga

2 Anticipatory Set – a Circle Map Put the words “Graphic Organizers” in the center of an 8.5” x 11” paper. Circle it. Make a significantly larger circle around that center circle, leaving some space around it. Write down everything you know about Graphic Organizers in that larger circle. What is your frame of reference? How do you know these things? We’ll write those in another place. Add to this as we go through our week.

3 Thinking Maps Reuven Feuerstein, researcher of the mind, the way people think (b. 1921 - ) Eight visual patterns that reflect cognitive process David Hyerle, researcher and entrepreneur – Thinking Maps, Inc. Applied in all content areas, all grade levels

4 Your Thinking Maps packet o Social Studies Applications using Thinking Maps: o Overview sheet will go in Foldable o Use in your Unit lesson plans!! That’s the point…best practices! Circle Map – Defining in Context Bubble Map – Describing Qualities Double Bubble – Comparing and Contrasting Tree Map - Classifying Brace Map – Part to Whole Flow Map - Sequencing Multi-flow Map – Cause and Effect Bridge Map – Seeing Analogies

5 Graphic Organizers: Foldables: Hand-held graphic organizers (Dinah Zike - Susan Laninga

6 Where did Foldables originate? Dinah Zike Inventor: pop-up cards (60s); balsa wood dinosaur models (when she was a teenager!) Teacher: HS Science to elementary to University to Conventions and Seminars worldwide McMillan McGraw-Hill/Glencoe contracted with her to put Foldables into their texts. Comfort, Texas: Educators retreat – fabulous experiences for teachers…. Now to you!

7 What are Foldables? 3-D Graphic Organizers Visual/Tactile/KinestheticMnemonics Study guides Notetaking/notemaking tools Schema

8 Student testimonial Professor Laninga, Hello my name is Sara Orlando and I graduated from GVSU in April 2015. I got a job right away after college teaching 5th grade literacy in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (Nashville, TN). Last week, I thought of you since I made a foldable with my students. Attached is the sample that I made. I thought you would enjoy, and thank you so much for doing the lessons on foldables! It was so helpful! I hope that you are doing well :)

9 Need more?… For meaningful hands-on activity, for all grades, all learners, all content areas, all units of study, for alternative assessment… REPLACE WORKSHEETS IN EVERYDAY LEARNING!! Add student accountability and engagement…(learning is social) For FUN and building motivation (learning is emotional)!

10 So why use Foldables? Marzano - Classroom Instruction That Works: the research (summarizing and notetaking, similarities and differences, questions, cues and advance organizers - also homework, cooperative learning) – Foldables fit into this instructional scenario!

11 A Review of the Research Robert Marzano et al Instructional StrategyAverage Effect SizePercentile Gain Identify similarities and differences 1.6145 Summarizing and note taking1.0034 Reinforcing effort and providing recognition.8029 Homework and practice.7728 Non-linguistic representations.7527 Cooperative learning.7327 Setting Objectives and providing feedback.6123 Generating and testing hypotheses.6123 Questions, cue, and advance organizers.5922

12 So Why Use Foldables? Brain research: Sensory engagement during learning, emotional ties to the learning, physical placement of learning, substantive conversation.

13 Keep in mind When thinking about transforming a worksheet or creating a Foldable: - Consider the number of categories of information students will be gathering. Example: three branches of government, cause and effect, story elements, # of rules for the game, etc. - Choose a Foldable that allows for that number of categories and gives enough space to collect the information. - There will usually be more than one style of Foldable that will work for any given assignment.

14 Let’s begin! Some basic materials handling rules straight from Dinah: basic materials handling rules basic materials handling rules Use Vaseline to keep glue tips from drying out or clogging! It really works! Glue goes into the pores of the paper and increases its strength. You don’t need a lot of it. Use “teeny, tiny dots” of glue when you need it.

15 Let’s begin! Some basic vocabulary straight from Dinah: basic vocabulary basic vocabulary Hamburger Hot Dog TacoShutterValley/Mountain Burrito (we won’t use this one today)

16 Exiting thoughts One Minute Quick-write Paper: What is the learning you have done in class today? What is the value of this learning?

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