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* Getting you thinking: Extension: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of data? 1)Discuss with somebody else the difference between.

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Presentation on theme: "* Getting you thinking: Extension: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of data? 1)Discuss with somebody else the difference between."— Presentation transcript:

1 * Getting you thinking: Extension: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of data? 1)Discuss with somebody else the difference between quantitative and qualitative data. 2) Read and complete pages 34-35 of your booklet.

2 * Data analysis: Descriptive statisitcs

3 * Learning objectives : By the end of this lesson you will be able: * To analyse and interpret quantitative data including: Measures of central tendency (median, mean, mode), Measures of dispersion (ranges, standard deviation) * To describe how to present and interpret quantitative data: graphs, tables. * To apply these techniques to data.

4 * What can you remember from GCSE Maths? * Discuss: Mean Median Mode Range Standard deviation Extension: When is each used? What are the benefits and limitations of each?

5 * Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) are used to give a picture of the ‘normal’ values of a data set e.g. the average. * Measures of dispersion (range, standard deviation) are used to help us to work out whether these scores are very similar or different from each other e.g. Their spread * Analysing quantitative data

6 * The standard deviation tells us how spread out the data is from the mean. It uses all of the scores from a data set to work this out. * Standard deviation 10 year olds14 year olds Mean reaction time25 seconds19 seconds Standard deviation1.27 A table to show the average reaction time by age of participants Scores close to the mean, the mean therefore is highly representative of the average reaction time. Scores spread out from the mean, the mean therefore is not very representative of the average reaction time.

7 * You should structure your answer in the following way: 1. Give a definition of ‘mean’ and say which condition had a higher mean and what this tells us. 2. Give a definition of ‘standard deviation’. 3. Say what the SD of the smashed condition is and what that suggests about the spread of scores around the mean. 4. Say what the SD of the hit condition is and what that suggests about the spread of scores around the mean. 5. Give a conclusion based on the mean and SD. * Standard deviation Complete the activity on page 14 of activity booklet. Extension: Do you think it is important to consider the SD and the mean? Why?

8 * Can you remember how to calculate a percentage from GCSE maths? * Read through the explanation in your research methods booklet. * Complete the practice activity in your activity booklet. * Percentages Extension: Create your own fictional table for somebody else to analyse.

9 * Discuss Extension: What might be the downside of presenting data in this way?

10 * Presenting and interpreting quantitative data Bar chart Scattergram Histogram

11 * Bar chart

12 * Scattergrams

13 * Complete Q1 and Q3 on pages 15-19 of your activity booklet. * Remember that clear labelling of the axes and a title is needed. * Your task (10 minutes) Extension: Complete question 2 in your activity booklet.

14 * Tables

15 * Complete the section on tables on page 20 of your activity booklet. * Remember that clear labelling of the rows and columns and a title is needed. * Your task (5 minutes) Extension: Produce a summary table for one of the sets of results on pages 15-19 of your activity booklet. GirlsBoys Total Mean

16 * Distributions

17 * Learning objectives : You are now able: * To analyse and interpret quantitative data including: Measures of central tendency (median, mean, mode), Measures of dispersion (ranges, standard deviation) * To describe how to present and interpret quantitative data: graphs, tables. * To apply these techniques to data.

18 * Homework Due in next lesson: 1) Complete the sections on central tendency /measures of dispersion/graphs/tables that you ran out of time for. Preparation for next lesson: Think about what we mean by probability and chance.

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