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New Elementary Report Cards November 26, 2012. What are benchmarks?  Common framework and language to discuss student achievement and progress against.

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Presentation on theme: "New Elementary Report Cards November 26, 2012. What are benchmarks?  Common framework and language to discuss student achievement and progress against."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Elementary Report Cards November 26, 2012

2 What are benchmarks?  Common framework and language to discuss student achievement and progress against the CCSSs and district curriculum.  Bridge between the report card grade and standards and curriculum.

3 Purpose of Benchmarks  They are guidelines to assist teachers with the new report card.  Ensure grading consistency across the district.  These benchmarks are a work in progress and will be fully developed and revised during the summer based on faculty input.  Moving us in the direction of the assessment structure of PARCC.

4 Reading  Teachers should use the draft grade level benchmarks and their professional judgment when evaluating a student’s progress and achievement.  Draft Grade Level Benchmarks for Reading will be reviewed/revised during the summer based on teacher feedback.

5 Glen Rock Guidelines  Due to student achievement in Glen Rock, our benchmarks may be higher than other districts  Due to student achievement in Glen Rock, our benchmarks may be higher than those suggested by Fountas and Pinnell

6 Grading  Most of your students will earn a grade of 3 – Meets Standards.  Only students consistently exceeding standards should receive a grade of 4.

7 Communicating Grading with Parents  The district has developed a brochure which is:  On the C&I website  Was distributed at the October parent meeting  Brochures will be distributed to the schools for distribution  Principals will disseminate an electronic copy of the brochure to parents the day before report cards are posted on Genesis.

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