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Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section B.

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1 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section B

2 用 for 和 since 填空。 1.They have been learning Chinese _____ they came to China. 2. I haven’t seen her _____ a long time. 3. He has been living here _____ 2001. 4. She has been doing her homework ____ two hours. 5. It’s 5 years _____ we left school. 6. – How long has Mary been a teacher? – _____ two years ago. since for since for since Since

3 1.How long _____you_____________ (collect) stamps? _____half a year. 2.How long ____he __________(skate)? Since I _______(be) ten years old. 3.When ____he ____(start) learning to dance? In 2002. 4.We_________________(run) on the playground since 6 o’clock a.m. have hasbeen skating was didstart been collecting have been running For

4 How long has Jenny been playing computer? two hours She has been playing computer for two hours./since 2 hours ago. playing computer /

5 How long has he been playing baseball? He has been playing baseball for 2 and a half hours./since 2 and a half hours ago. playing baseball / two and a half hours

6 How long have they been working? They have been working for 7 and a half days./ since 7 and a half days ago. working / 7 and a half days

7 collect shells shells

8 collect stamps stamps

9 collect coins coins

10 kites

11 movie tickets

12 theater tickets

13 toy animals toy animals / stuffed animals

14 stamp teapot stone flash card doll picture book Many people like to collect. They often collect … …

15 paper money traffic card coin watch / clock newspaper

16 ticket picture post card credit card drawing

17 1a. Would you like to collect any of these things? Fill in the chart. Add other things you collect.

18 I collectI would like to collect shellsstamps A: I collect shells because they are beautiful. I’d like to collect stamps because they are interesting.

19 2a. Listen. What do Bob, Marcia, and Liam collect? Fill in the chart under “What”. WhatHow longHow many Bob Marcia Liam kites stuffed animals theater and movie tickets since he was ten years old 22 so far for five years 35 since last year 20

20 Conversation 1 Girl 1: How long have you been collecting these kites, Bob? Bob: Since I was ten years old. Girl 1: How many do you have? Bob: Oh, I have about 22 so far. Girl 1: Where do you fly them. Bob: I usually fly them in the park when it’s windy. Tapescript

21 Conversation 2 Boy 2: Wow, Marcia. Are these stuffed animals all yours? Marcia: Yes, I’ve been collecting them for five years. Boy 2: How many do you have? Marcia: Well, I have about 35. Boy 2: Which ones do you like best? Marcia: I like the panda best — he’s so cute! And I also like the tiger. My mother gave me that one.

22 Conversation 3 Girl 3: What do you collect, Liam? Liam: I collect theater and movie tickets. Girl 3: So how long have you been collecting them? Liam: Since last year. Girl 3: How many do you have? Liam: I have 20. I put them in this book and write if I liked the show or movie. Girl 3: Looks like an interesting collection.

23 A: What does Bob collect? B: He collects kites. A: How long has he been collecting kites? B: He has been collecting kites since I was ten years old. A: How many does he have? B: He has about 22 so far.

24 3a. Read the following message. Then draw lines to match the snow globes with their descriptions. n. 球状物;球体 Dear Jack, Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. I love it. In fact I think it’s probably my favorite. I’ve been collecting snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to store them. They’re all around our apartment. I even store them in boxes under my bed.

25 monster n. 怪物;妖怪 run out of 用完;用尽 store v. 储存 send sb sth = send sth to sb 送给某人某物 room n. 空间

26 My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to store them. 我妈妈说我得停止收集这些东西,因为 我们已经没有地方存放它们了。 (1)run out of 是及物动词短语,多用于进 行时和完成时的句子中。如: Give me a cigarette, please. I have run out of them. 请给我一支烟。我的烟抽完了。

27 (2) room 在句中意为 “ 空间;余地 ” ,是不可 数名词。如: Is there room for me in the car? 车里还有我坐的地方吗? (3) store 用作及物动词时意为 “ 储存 ” 。如: There is no room for storing these things. 没有地方存放这些东西。

28 The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday. I particularly love globes with animals. I have a big one with bears in it, and another one with penguins. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. I’d like to start a snow globe collectors’ club. By the way, what’s your hobby? Love, Ellen

29 particularly adv. 独特地;显著地,特别地 anyone pron. 任何人 collector n. 收藏家 by the way 顺便;附带说说 start v. 发起;开办

30 1.The E-mail is from ___ to ____. 2.What’s Ellen’s favorite? 3.How long has Ellen been doing that? 4.How many snow globes does she have? 5.Which is her first snow globe? A BCD According to the message, answer some questions.

31 Exercises: Make sentences: sports (for two hours) (since one o’clock) football game (for three hours) (since eight) some cleaning (for half an hour) (since class was over) 4.collect stamps (ten years) (I was a child) magazines (one hour and a half) (nine o’clock in the morning)

32 3b Look at activity 2a on page 47. Write an e-mail message from Bob, Marcia or Liam. Tell about his or her collection. Dear, I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect. I’ve been collecting them Linda kites

33 Linda kites for four years, and I have 123 of them now. I collect them because they are beautiful and interesting. I have a kite with the face of Monkey King, which is a present from China. And I have some kites like butterflies. They are just like real animals in the sky. Every sunny Saturday I’ll go and fly one of them. They bring me so much fun. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. I’d like to make friends with them. Yours, Bob

34 4a GROUPWORK Go around the class and make a list of everyone’s hobby. Find out how long they’ve been doing their hobby. NameHobbyHow longMore information Wen Li flying kites for about 2 years in the park

35 A: What’s your hobby, Wen Li? B: I like flying kites. A: How long have you been doing that? B: For about two years. A: Where do you fly them? B: In the park.

36 Homework Oral work: listen and imitate 3a. Written work: finish off the last task and complete the letter to apply the job.

37 The end of this period!

38 T:Do you like to collect any of these things? S: … T:What do you like to collect? S: I like to collect… T:Why? S:Because they are very ….

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