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So __________________ _____ __________________ _______ hole __________________ _____ __________________ _______ joke_ __________________ ____ __________________.

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Presentation on theme: "So __________________ _____ __________________ _______ hole __________________ _____ __________________ _______ joke_ __________________ ____ __________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 so __________________ _____ __________________ _______ hole __________________ _____ __________________ _______ joke_ __________________ ____ __________________ ________ bone __________________ ____ __________________ _________ go __________________ ______ Write each word in a sentence. Tuesday lesson 16 Name __________________

2 poke_________________________ ____________________________ lesson 16 Choose one of your sentences. Draw the sentence no_________________________ ____________________________ home________________________ ____________________________

3 Draw Word: home Word: poke Draw Word: wrote Draw Word :bone Monday lesson 16 Name __________________

4 Name _________________ MAKING WORDS Word: Draw Word: a,e,I,o,u,h,n,s,g,m,st,v Wednesday lesson 16

5 Alphabetical Order A__________________________ B__________________________ C__________________________ D__________________________ E__________________________ F__________________________ G__________________________ H__________________________ I__________________________ J__________________________ K__________________________ L__________________________ M__________________________ N__________________________ O__________________________ P__________________________ Q__________________________ R__________________________ S__________________________ T__________________________ U__________________________ V__________________________ W__________________________ X__________________________ Y__________________________ Z__________________________ Name ___________ Objectives Using alphabetical order so hole joke bone go no poke chose home rope stove wrote Thursday lesson 16

6 Pick a word and write a sentence, make a picture. Name __________________ Word _____________ Sentence Picture Word _____________ Sentence Picture Friday lesson 16 so hole joke bone go no poke chose home rope stove wrote

7 Pick a word and write a sentence, make a picture. lesson 16 Name __________________ Word _____________ Sentence Picture Word _____________ Sentence Picture so hole joke bone go no poke chose home rope stove wrote

8 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ Spelling Test Name ____________________________ Time Bike Stripe Like White Mice Kite Drive

9 Let’s Go To The Moon Name____________________ Main Idea Detail

10 Let’s Go To The Moon Name____________________ What do you know about space travel?

11 Lets Go To The Moon Name____________________ Tell how they are different ____________________ moonsun

12 High Frequency words so hole joke bone go no poke chose home rope stove wrote Spelling words Name ____________________________ we need to know our day of the week Around Bring Show Because Carry Think Before Light Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Saturday

13 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ so hole joke bone go no poke chose home rope stove wrote Spelling words 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

14 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ so hole joke bone go no poke chose home rope stove wrote Spelling words 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

15 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 6.__________ High Frequency words Bring Show Because Carry Think Before Light Draw you favorite word

16 so __________________ _____ __________________ _______ hole __________________ _____ __________________ _______ joke_ __________________ ____ __________________ ________ bone __________________ ____ __________________ _________ go __________________ ______ Write each word in a sentence. Tuesday lesson 16 Name __________________

17 __________ Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Friday

18 Square Triangle Rectangle Circle Heart Star

19 Name____________________ ____________________ details ____________________ Write 3 sentences about space. main idea

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