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Blaz Lipuscek Diventic d.o.o. Integrating mobile clients with on-premise business data.

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Presentation on theme: "Blaz Lipuscek Diventic d.o.o. Integrating mobile clients with on-premise business data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blaz Lipuscek Diventic d.o.o. Integrating mobile clients with on-premise business data

2 2 What is Service Bus? Service Bus provides secure messaging and connectivity capabilities that enable building distributed and disconnected applications in the cloud, as well as hybrid applications across both on-premise and the cloud.

3 3 What does Service Bus offer? Unified set of messaging capabilities Consistent management and observation capabilities Service Bus Relay Rich options for interconnecting apps across network boundaries Service Bus Brokered Messaging Queuing, publish/subscribe Easily build hybrid apps

4 4 Why use it? Saves the need for the developer to worry about delivery assurance, reliable messaging and scale.

5 5 Service Bus Fundamentals Service Bus is a multi-tenant cloud service (shared by multiple users), user, such as an application developer, creates a namespace, namespace then defines the communication mechanisms: Queues one-directional communication Topics one-directional communication using subscriptions Relays provide bi-directional communication

6 6

7 7 Queues ReceiveAndDelete Removes a message from the queue and immediately deletes it. PeekLock Locks the message, making it invisible to other receivers.

8 Tightly Coupled

9 Loosely Coupled

10 10 Topics Unlike queues, a single message sent to a topic can be received by multiple subscribers

11 11 Relays Why make applications communicate via a cloud service rather than just interact directly?

12 12 Why make apps communicate via cloud? Behind Firewall Blocking incoming / outgoing data Network Address Translation (NAT) Probably we don‘t have fixed IP Each application establishes an TCP connection with Service Bus, then keeps it open!

13 13 Choosing Authentication for a Service Bus App SAML, over the SSL protocol This option requires that you write your own SSL credential server SharedSecret self-issued shared secret that is registered with Access Control SimpleWebToken self-issued shared secret that is registered with Access Control in format called simple Web token (SWT) Unauthenticated

14 Message auto-forwarding QueueDescription destinationQ = new QueueDescription("myQ2"); QueueDescription sourceQ = new QueueDescription("myQ1"); sourceQ.ForwardTo = “myQ2";

15 Message lock renewal QueueClient queueClient = QueueClient.Create("myQ"); BrokeredMessage message = queueClient.Receive(); message.RenewLock(); message.LockedUntilUtc; // check to see when you need to renew

16 Pause queues & topics QueueDescription qd = namespaceManager.GetQueue("myQ"); qd.Status = EntityStatus.Disabled; namespaceManager.UpdateQueue(qd); qd.Status = EntityStatus.Active; namespaceManager.UpdateQueue(qd);

17 Send-time filter evaluation TopicDescription td = new TopicDescription("Topic"); td.EnableFilteringMessagesBeforePublishing = true; // throws NoMatchingSubscriptionException on send

18 Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0 is an efficient, reliable, wire-level messaging protocol Support for a range of third-party client libraries More platforms will be supported as libraries become available Service Bus AMQP 1.0

19 Support for multiple protocols

20 AMQP 1.0 client libraries LanguageLibrary C#Service Bus.NET Client Library Java Apache Qpid Java Message Service (JMS) client IIT SwiftMQ Java client CApache Qpid Proton-C PHPApache Qpid Proton-PHP PythonApache Qpid Proton-Python RubyApache Qpid Proton-Ruby (coming soon) PerlApache Qpid Proton-Perl (coming soon) JavaScriptApache Qpid Proton-JavaScript (coming soon)

21 21 Blaz Lipuscek Diventic d.o.o.

22 Q&A.


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