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What year did World War I begin in Europe? What event was the spark that ignited the conflict?

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3 What year did World War I begin in Europe?

4 What event was the spark that ignited the conflict?

5 Who were the 3 primary Central Powers?

6 Who were the three primary Allied Powers (i.e. Triple Entente) at the start of the war?

7 What nation quit fighting WWI after a revolution in 1917?

8 Who led the Bolshevik revolution in Russia?

9 After both sides became bogged down, this style of warfare symbolized World War I:

10 Advanced weaponry made World War I more deadly than previous wars. Name three emerging military technologies that contributed to the killing.

11 What trend in warfare does the Red Baron symbolize?


13 What year did the US enter World War One?

14 The sinking of this passenger ship in 1915 turned public opinion against Germany:


16 The Zimmerman telegram proposed a German alliance with what nation?

17 Whose re- election slogan was: “he kept us out of war”?

18 In May, 1916, the ______ pledge promised a change in Germany’s naval warfare policy. Passenger ships would not be targeted; Merchant ships would not be sunk until the presence of weapons had been established, if necessary by a search of the ship; Merchant ships would not be sunk without provision for the safety of passengers and crew.

19 In January, 1917 Germany rescinded the Sussex Pledge and resumed _____________ submarine warfare.


21 What is liberty cabbage better known as?

22 The term “______” was used for the Germans by British propaganda during World War I. The comparison was helped by the Pickelhaube or spiked helmet worn by German forces until 1916. This usage emphasized the idea that the Germans were barbarians.

23 What is the wartime movement of African- Americans to northern factory jobs called?

24 38 people were killed during the __________ Race Riot of 1919.

25 In 1919 the greatest strike in American history rocked the ______ industry.

26 The 1917 __________ _________ Act required young men to register for the draft.

27 The 1918 __________ Act strengthened the Espionage Act’s 1917 restrictions on free speech. It prohibited the use of "disloyal, profane…or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces

28 On June 16, 1918, Socialist leader _____ _____ made a speech urging resistance to the military draft of World War I. He was arrested, charged with ten counts of sedition, convicted, and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

29 What did the Supreme Court decide in Schenck v. United States (1919)?

30 Who headed the Food Administration?

31 George Creel’s Committee on _________ _________ was charged with selling the war to the American people.

32 What were the two main ways the US federal gov’t financed the war?

33 The 18 th Amendment was ratified in 1919. What did it do?

34 The 19 th Amendment was ratified in 1920. What did it do?

35 What’s a doughboy?

36 John “Black Jack” Pershing was the commander of the AEF--what is it?


38 On what exact day did the armistice ending WWI take effect?

39 What % of Allied War Deaths did the US suffer? A. 2% B. 12% C. 22% D. 32%



42 The “__________ Points" was a statement of principles contained in a speech given by President Wilson to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1918. The points encompassed Wilson’s war aims and a general guideline for a post-war order.

43 The Treaty of _________________ between the Allies and Germany was the culmination of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.

44 Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles— “The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.” This is known as the War Guilt Clause and justified the Allies seeking r_____________ from Germany to compensate for wartime damages.

45 What did Wilson consider to be the “capstone” of his 14 Points and the key to the Treaty of Versailles?

46 After Wilson signed the Treaty of Versailles, he needed a 2/3 vote of the US ______________ to ratify the Treaty.

47 The leader of the reservationists (Senators who wanted the Treaty modified before they would approve it) was Senator __________ _________ __________.

48 After an exhausting national tour to promote the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson suffered a debilitating __________ on October 2, 1919.

49 Who won the election of 1920, sealing the doom of the League of Nations in the US Senate?

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