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“La Grande Noirceur” The Duplessis Years 1945-1959.

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Presentation on theme: "“La Grande Noirceur” The Duplessis Years 1945-1959."— Presentation transcript:

1 “La Grande Noirceur” The Duplessis Years 1945-1959

2 1. General Info  A) He was in power from 1931- 1939 AND 1944-1959…  A VERY LONG TIME  B) He is the leader of the “Union Nationale” party in Quebec.  C) What he promoted: French- Canadian Nationalism, Catholic values and agriculture.  D) VERY TRADITIONAL

3 1. General Info  E) He wanted more PROVINCIAL autonomy.  He didn’t want ANY help from the federal government.  F) He came up with the “Back to the Land” movement during the Great Depression.

4 2. The economy was booming during this time  War torn countries needed supplies to rebuild  Mineral production also increased. … it was only after the Second World War... That a mad scramble began for the region’s natural redources. The huge iron ore deposits... First attracted the attention of the great American iron and steel firms, whose reserves were exhausted.

5 This increased production had an impact on the people:  Labour struggles  Increase in purchasing power (people have more money to buy things)  Increase in number of people working in the tertiary sector

6 It also had an impact on the land  Development of cities and suburbs  Expansion of road network

7 3. Economic Standpoint  A) He left the economy up to the Americans  B) He was ANTI-UNION  C) He emphasized a TRADITIONAL economy (farming etc.)

8 3. Who liked him?  A) The Church: Because he gave them a lot of money.  He let them have control over education, health and charities.  B) Rural communities: They liked his TRADITIONAL ways.  His government would encourage projects that favored RURAL areas. (roads, electricity, etc)  C) Big Business: He favored ownership over workers in labour disputes.

9 4. Who didn’t like him?  A) Secularist Intellectuals: Many Quebeckers thought Quebec was “backwards” and questioned the Church’s involvement in state affairs. (Pierre Trudeau, Andre Laurendeau)  B) Anglophones and Urban dwellers: They felt the policies of the Duplessis government did nothing for them.

10 4. Who didn’t like him cont.  C) Unions: Thought the gov’t wasn’t doing much to protect the rights of workers.  Example: The Padlock Law: was aimed at targeting communists (which was considered a bad thing at this time) but was used against union groups in general.  The provincial gov’t would LITERALLY put a lock on a business that was considered “communist”

11 5. Cultural trends during the Duplessis years  A) Americanism: TV’s were introduced during the 50’s and spread US culture.  B) Growth of SECULARISM: People started to realize that they didn’t like what Duplessis was doing. They didn’t think the church should have a role in the gov’t.

12 5. Cultural trends cont.  C) All across Canada feminism and urbanization continue to grow.  D) Duplessis introduced the Fleur-de-Lis as the official flag of Quebec

13 5. Cultural trends cont.  E) Cooperatism: everyone works together and COOPERATES. They put all of their resources together.  F) Agriculturism: Promoting agricultural life

14 The “Quiet Revolution” Quebec in the 1960’s

15 1. General Info  A) When Duplessis died his Union Nationale gov’t was replaced by Jean Lesage and the Liberals.  B) Lesage is in power from 1960-66  C) This is considered the beginning of the Quiet Revolution in Quebec.

16 1. General info  D) The Quiet Revolution was basically major changes in the SOCIAL, ECONOMIC and POLITICAL aspects of Quebec society.  E) The slogan for this time period is “Maitre Chez Nous” or “Masters of our own House”

17 2. Economy Definitions:  A) Nationalization: A company that used to be owned and controlled by people, that is then controlled by the gov’t. Example: Hydro Quebec B) Crown Corporation: A company owned by the gov’t. Example: My brother Adam works for a Crown Corporation in Ottawa. It’s called Export Development Canada

18 3. Economic Policies  A) Quebec needs to take back control of their economy from the United States.  B) Direct Intervention: Companies were “nationalized” and crown corporations were established.  C) The Labour Code was developed to facilitate bargaining between the gov’t, the unions and the workers.

19 4. Culture during the Quiet Revolution  A) The development of French Canadian Nationalism  B) The Quebec that came out during the Quiet Revolution was a province with a strong identity.  C) Some people saw Quebec as a nation with a distinct culture and language. They began to question the place of Quebec within Canada.

20 4. Culture continued  D) In 1968, the Parti Quebecois was formed in the province.  They were a political party who wanted political independence for Quebec from Canada.  This is also known as the movement for Quebec sovereignty.

21 4.Culture continued  E) People against separation are known as FEDERALISTS.  F) Why separation? Sovereigntists believe that it is the best way to defend the economic, political and cultural interests of the French Canadian Nation.

22 5. Other changes  A) Education: The gov’t takes control.  Ministry of education is created.  School is made compulsory to age 15.  B) Social services: Gov’t takes control of the healthcare system.  Medicare free for all citizens.  Pension plan is introduced to help those over 65.

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