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Chinese 2 4-8-12-13 Review unit: Seeing a Doctor 看病 Culture: The Songkran festival 泼水节 Review for Seeing a Doctor. Thursday: Oral test Friday: Paper test:

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1 Chinese 2 4-8-12-13 Review unit: Seeing a Doctor 看病 Culture: The Songkran festival 泼水节 Review for Seeing a Doctor. Thursday: Oral test Friday: Paper test: Seeing a doctor

2 Monday objectives: teks: 2a, 2b, 3a, 5a Warm up Review new words 泼水节: Pair practice with the skit you wrote HW: do worksheet

3 New words: 生字 眼睛 Eye ( yǎnjing) 鼻子 nose (bí zi) 嘴巴 mouth (zuǐ ba) 头 head (tóu) 手 hand (shǒu) 腿 leg (tuǐ) 脚 foot (jiǎo) 头发 hair (tóufa) 耳朵 ear (ěr duo) 脸 face (liǎn) 眉毛 (méi mao) eyebrow 膝盖 (xī gài) knee 牙 (yá) tooth 肚子 (dù zi ) stomach / belly 肩膀( jiān bǎng ) shoulder 背 (Bèi) back 疼 / 痛 Téng/tòng pain, hurt 痒 (Yǎng ) itch 身体 (Shēntǐ) body 不舒服 bú shūfú not feeling well 哪里 nǎlǐ where 感觉 gǎnjué v. think 觉得 juéde v. feel

4 Monday warm up: put the right pinyin and English to the following Chinese characters. 1. 眼睛 2. 鼻子 3. 嘴巴 4. 头 5. 手 6. 腿 7. 脚 8. 头发 9. 耳朵 10. 脸 11. 眉毛 12. 膝盖 13. 牙 14. 肚子 15. 肩膀 16. 背 17. 疼 / 痛 18. 痒 19. 身体 ( 不舒服 20. 哪里 21. 感觉 22. 觉得 mouth (zuǐ ba) foot (jiǎo) leg (tuǐ) hair (tóufa) ear (ěr duo) (méi mao) eyebrow juéde v. feel gǎnjué v. think (xī gài) knee (yá) tooth dù zi ) stomach / belly ( jiān bǎng ) shoulder Bèi) back Téng/tòng Yǎng ) itch Shēntǐ) body bú shūfú not feeling well nǎlǐ where face (liǎn) hand (shǒu) head (tóu) nose (bí zi) Eye ( yǎnjing)

5 Tuesday objectives: teks: 2a, 3a, 4a, Review the new words about symptoms Review Sentence patterns Hw: Review the vocabulary in review packet for test.

6 泼水节 What and which countries celebrate Songkran Festival: Songkran is celebrated in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Yunnan Province in China, as the traditional New Year. When: from April 13 to 16. What do people do? Some people make New Year resolutions. Songkran is a time for cleaning and renewal. Besides washing household Buddha images, many also take this opportunity to give their home a thorough cleaning. The throwing of water originated as a way to pay respect to people, by capturing the water after it had been poured over the Buddhas for cleansing and then using this "blessed" water to give good fortune to elders and family by gently pouring it on the shoulder. Among young people the holiday evolved to include dousing strangers with water to relieve the heat, since April is the hottest month in Thailand (temperatures can rise to over 100°F or 40°C on some days). This has further evolved into water fights and splashing water over people riding in vehicles.

7 Warm up: Take a piece of paper out and write down pinyin and English after each Chinese characters 感冒 发烧 喉咙痛 喉咙痒 拉肚子; 恶心 想吐 头晕 Fāshāo v.& n. Get fever, Fever; Hóulóng tòng n. Sore throat; Lādùzi, v. phrase to have Diarrhea; Tóuyūn v.& n. feel dizzy; Dizziness Gǎnmào v.& n. catch Cold/ catching cold; Xiǎng tǔ v. want to vomit; Ěxīn v. & n. Nausea; Hóulóng yǎng, Itchy throat;

8 Review new words 挂号 Guàhào Register for seeing doc. 内科 Nèikē Internal Medicine 外科 WàikēSurgical 儿科 ÉrkēPediatrics 神经科 Shénjīng kē Neurology 药 Yào Medicine 每天 Měi tiān Daily 次 Cì Times 科 Kē department 片儿 Piān er tablet 开药 Kāi yào 动 prescribe medicine 吃药 Chī yào take medicine 打针 Dǎzhēn v. somebody gives a shot to 结账 Jiézhàng check out 多少钱 Duōshǎo qián How much 元 Yuán yuan, Chinese currency 角 Jiǎo 10 cents( Chinese cent) 分 Fēn cent( Chinese cent) 拿药 Ná yào pick up medicine

9 Dialogue 医生 : 请坐 Qǐng zuò 。你哪里不舒服 Nǐ nǎlǐ bú shūfú? 病人 : 我有点儿发烧 Wǒ yǒudiǎn er fāshāo ,喉咙疼,鼻子不通 bízi bùtōng 。 医生 : 咳嗽吗 Késou ma? 你头疼不疼 Nǐ tóuténg bù téng? 病人 : 咳嗽 Késou ,头疼 tóuténg 。 医生 : 你有重感冒 Nǐ yǒu zhòng gǎnmào. 。 吃些药 Chī xiē yào! ! 多 喝水 Duō hē shuǐ ,多休息 duō xiūxí! 病人 : 谢谢 医生 : 这是我给你开的药 Zhè shì wǒ gěi nǐ kāi di yào 。每天吃三次 Měi tiān chī sāncì 。一次吃一片儿 Yīcì chī yī piān er. 病人:谢谢。再见 !

10 Five Autonomous Regions 新疆维吾尔自治区 Xīnjiāng Wéiwú'ěr Zìzhìqū 内蒙古自治区 Nèi Měnggǔ Zìzhìqū 西藏自治区 Xīzàng Zìzhìqū 宁夏回族自治区 Níngxià Huízú Zìzhìqū 广西壮族自治区 Guǎngxī Zhuàngzú Zìzhìqū

11 Thursday objectives 1) Review new words 2) review sentence structures 3) Review dialogue 4) oral test

12 Friday: Test day!!!

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