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 Glands release products  Products (hormones) broadcast information throughout body  Slower response(than nervous system) but lasts longer.

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2  Glands release products  Products (hormones) broadcast information throughout body  Slower response(than nervous system) but lasts longer

3  Chemical messengers  Bind to specific receptors on cells target cells

4  Release secretion through duct to surface  Examples: salivary glands, gastric glands, and sweat glands

5  Hypothalamus  Pituitary gland Robert Pershing Wadlow  Testis/Ovaries  Pancreas  Adrenal gland


7  Help maintain homeostasis Homeostasis: stable internal environment  Examples: body temperature, water balance, and blood sugar

8  Bloodstream carries glucose to cells  Extra glucose stored in liver  Pancreas hormones 1.) Insulin  lowers levels of glucose in blood 2.) Glucagon  raises the levels of glucose in blood

9  Juvenile diabetes  Immune system attacks pancreas No insulin produced  Treatment: insulin injections or insulin pump

10  Adult-onset diabetes  Body does not produce enough insulin  Glucose builds in bloodstream  Treatment: exercise and diet  Invention of Insulin Invention of Insulin

11  HH14q3o HH14q3o

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