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Neutrality In Ireland February 2016 Ref: 157716. Research Methodology ⁄RED C interviewed a random representative sample of 1,008 adults aged 18+ by phone.

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Presentation on theme: "Neutrality In Ireland February 2016 Ref: 157716. Research Methodology ⁄RED C interviewed a random representative sample of 1,008 adults aged 18+ by phone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neutrality In Ireland February 2016 Ref: 157716

2 Research Methodology ⁄RED C interviewed a random representative sample of 1,008 adults aged 18+ by phone between the 25 th and 27 th of January. ⁄A random digit dial (RDD) method of mobile and landline numbers was utilized in order to ensure a random selection of households to be included – this ensures all adults were eligible for selection including mobile only households and ex-directory households. ⁄Quotas were set and data weighted to know profiles on age, gender, class and region to ensure that the sample is representative of the total Irish adult population. Interviews were conducted across the country and the results weighted to the profile of all adults. ⁄Throughout the deck the following notations apply: HigherLower

3 To Be Included in Press Release Method RED C interviewed a random representative sample of 1,008 adults aged 18+ by phone between the 25 th and 27 th of January. A random digit dial (RDD) method of mobile and landline numbers was utilized in order to ensure a random selection of households to be included – this ensures all adults were eligible for selection including mobile only households and ex-directory households. Interviews were conducted across the country and the results weighted to the profile of all adults.

4 Who We Spoke To

5 ABC1: 42% C2DE: 52% Social Class Rest of Leinster 26% Munster 28% Conn/ Ulster 18% Dublin 28% Region Age 18-24 25-34 10% 20% 35-44 45-54 54-65 21% 18% 17% 14% 65+ Gender 49% 51% Nationally Representative Sample Profile (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,008) Targets were set and data weighted to ensure a nationally representative sample was surveyed. F: 6%

6 Key Findings & Summary /Changing the Irish constitution to enshrine Irelands neutrality is supported by over half the population at 57%. So while certainly the country is in favour of a change, it is not overwhelmingly in favour. /This support is relatively evenly spread across demographics, however females and those aged 45-54 do show higher levels of support. /When asked if the Irish Government should allow Shannon Airport to be used for Military transit purposes, 55% believed it should not – a similar result to those favouring neutrality. /Those who are more likely to be against the use of Shannon Airport for these reasons are females, those aged 18-34 and those residing in Dublin. /So while the results of this poll certainly suggest a preference towards a more concrete neutral stance by Ireland, it is not by an overwhelming majority.

7 Irelands Neutrality And The Constitution

8 (Q 1) Should The Irish Constituted Be Changed To Enshrine Irelands Neutrality 57% of the Irish adult population believe the Irish Constituted Should Be Changed 4% 39% of the Irish adult population believe the Irish Constituted Should Not Be Changed D/K (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,008) Q.1 Ireland has always claimed to be a neutral country. However, that neutrality is not currently enshrined in the Irish Constitution. Do you think the constitution should be changed to enshrine Ireland's neutrality?

9 (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,008) AgeRegion 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Higher Social Grades: 58% Lower Social Grades: 56% Social Grade 57% Rest of Leinster 59% Munster 59% Conn/ Ulster 59% Dublin 52% Farmers: 59% Who Wants The Constitution Changed To Enshrine Irelands Neutrality Want Constitution Changed 50% 57% 54% 65% 56% Gender 54% 60% (Q 2) Q.Ireland has always claimed to be a neutral country. However, that neutrality is not currently enshrined in the Irish Constitution. Do you think the constitution should be changed to enshrine Ireland's neutrality?

10 (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,008) AgeRegion 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Higher Social Grades: 40% Lower Social Grades: 38% Social Grade 39% Rest of Leinster 39% Munster 36% Conn/ Ulster 40% Dublin 42% Farmers: 41% Who Does NOT Want The Constitution Changed To Enshrine Irelands Neutrality Do NOT Want Constitution Changed 46% 38% 43% 34% 37% 38% Gender 44% 34% (Q 2) Q.Ireland has always claimed to be a neutral country. However, that neutrality is not currently enshrined in the Irish Constitution. Do you think the constitution should be changed to enshrine Ireland's neutrality?

11 The Use of Shannon Airport For Military Transit Purposes

12 (Q 1) Should the Irish Government allow the use of Shannon Airport for military transit purposes 41% of the Irish adult population believe they Should Allow 4% 55% of the Irish adult population believe they Should NOT Allow D/K (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,008) Q.2 Do you think that the Irish Government should allow or shouldn’t allow the United States to use Shannon airport for military transit purposes?

13 (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,008) AgeRegion 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Higher Social Grades: 40% Lower Social Grades: 41% Social Grade 41% Rest of Leinster 49% Munster 43% Conn/ Ulster 37% Dublin 35% Farmers: 50% Who Believes We Should Allow The US To Use Shannon Airport For Military Transit Purposes Believe We Should Allow 35% 34% 45% 39% 44% 47% Gender 50% 33% (Q 2) Q.2 Do you think that the Irish Government should allow or shouldn’t allow the United States to use Shannon airport for military transit purposes?

14 (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,008) AgeRegion 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Higher Social Grades: 56% Lower Social Grades: 55% Social Grade 55% Rest of Leinster 49% Munster 51% Conn/ Ulster 58% Dublin 61% Farmers: 43% Who Believes We Should NOT Allow The US To Use Shannon Airport For Military Transit Purposes Believe Should NOT Allow 63% 60% 49% 56% 51% 50% Gender 47% 62% (Q 2) Q.2 Do you think that the Irish Government should allow or shouldn’t allow the United States to use Shannon airport for military transit purposes?


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