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Paleolithic - Neolithic

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1 Paleolithic - Neolithic
Paleolithic or Old Stone Age dates from the first stone tool makers (approx. 2 million BCE) to about 10,000 BCE. Strong archeological evidence indicates the first humans came from Africa This evidence was provided by Mary and Louis Leaky & Donald Johanson

2 The oldest human footprints in the world were unearthed at Laetoli, near Olduvai Gorge, in Tanzinia. These footprints led Owen Lovejoy to conclude that even these early hominids walked with an upright, striding gait just as modern humans do.

3 Lucy - is one of the oldest and most complete skeletons of human ancestry, which was discovered by Don Johanson in Ethiopia's Afar Triangle.

4 Otzi, the oldest mummy ever unearthed, was found in the Italian Alps in Scientists were thrilled to find he had remained frozen, and almost perfectly preserved, for thousands of yeas.

5 Otzi…..The Ice Man He wore clothing made from leather and grasses and carried a copper axe, a bow and arrows. Speculation immediately began about who he was and why he died where he did, but it was hard to do too much checking without damaging his body. Later, an arrowhead was found in his left shoulder, suggesting Otzi did not simply freeze to death while climbing the high mountains, but was shot by a fellow hunter. After studying the corpse's intestines, Italian researcher Professor Franco Rollo, an archaeologist at the Universita di Camerino in Italy concluded last year that the iceman's final meals consisted of venison and ibex meat.

6 Characteristics of Paleolithic Period
The people were hunters and gatherers They lived in small groups of about people Sexual division of labor Nomadic people who followed game and ripening fruit Developed simple tools from stone, bone or wood Invented clothing Cave paintings and religious rituals

7 In a handful of pierced seashells found in a South African cave, scientists believe that they have discovered the world’s oldest known jewelry and the earliest reliabile evidence of creative symbolic thought at work. The 41 tiny shells, unearthed at Blombos Cave, were strung as beads more than 75,00 years ago, making them at least 30,000 years older than any other reliably dated personal ornaments….


9 Paleolithic Age & Cave Art
Found all over Europe, Asia, Australia & Africa Painted deer, horses, buffalo, bulls, cows, & stick-figure people Main colors were red & black, with a little yellow, maroon & violet. Paint was made out of materials ground into animal fats. The following pictures are from a Cave in Lascaux, France: 

10 Bison

11 Great Hall of Bulls

12 Neolithic Period Approx. 10,000 years ago Hunter and Gatherers began to farm Life became more sedentary and permanent villages developed Seed planting and animal domestication Neolithic people became food producers Farming…..Farming……Farming…. ___________ led to growth in population

13 Out of Africa

14 Characteristics of Neolithic Period
Councils of elders began making decisions Individuals accumulated more personal property Some type of calendar invented Animals used in field work These innovations led to the emergence of civilizations


16 Skara Brae An early Neolithic village

17 Aleppo & Jericho Aleppo and Jericho are examples of early cities in the Fertile Crescent studied by Archaeolo-gists.

18 Stonehenge An Archeological site in England built during the Neolithic Age (finished in the Bronze Age) An archeological


20 Paleolithic vs. Neolithic
Food: Hunting and gathering Dwellings: Caves, nomadic people Technology: Digging sticks, spears, axes, & spoken language Religion & Art: Cave paintings, religious statues, belief in afterlife Food: Farming, domesticated animals Dwellings: Permanent villages, stone houses Technology: Stone tools, polished ax heads, arrowheads, weaving cloth, calendar, wheel Religion & Art: Jewelry, buried dead in earthen tombs


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