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Steve McCurley Risk Assessment. In my defense: People who choose not to attend planning meetings shouldn’t complain when others do their planning for.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve McCurley Risk Assessment. In my defense: People who choose not to attend planning meetings shouldn’t complain when others do their planning for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve McCurley Risk Assessment

2 In my defense: People who choose not to attend planning meetings shouldn’t complain when others do their planning for them. I think there’s a policy on that: 3.4002


4 It’s amazing what can be done with Photoshop these days…

5 Risk Management Process Identify Risks Stop Activity Evaluate Risks Review Control Risks Eliminate Risk Minimize Harm Transfer Liability Waiver Assumption of risk Memo of agreement Insurance


7 Find a Group Intelligent, alert, new faces 3 people

8 Selecting a Group Leader

9 “Point!”

10 1. Risk Identification What can go wrong? As SMP volunteers perform their work what risks are posed?

11 Risk identification Physical ability Skills Attitude; maturity Equipment/worksite Clientele Proper procedures Type of volunteer work

12 Talk about: What the volunteer does or doesn’t do that could lead to problems. What the SMP program does or doesn’t do in managing volunteers that could lead to problems. What a Volunteer Host Organization does or doesn’t do that could lead to a problems.

13 Debrief Who would like to nominate someone you thought had some unusually creative paranoid fantasies?

14 2. Risk Evaluation Frequency Severity

15 Note: In evaluating risks it is important to verify what is actually happening as opposed to what you hope is happening…

16 Debrief Most likely and most damaging risk?

17 3. Risk Control What could we do to reduce the risk?

18 Risk Control Screening measures Training measures Supervisory measures

19 Good volunteer management is: Putting the right volunteer in the right position

20 Good risk management is: Putting the right volunteer in the right position

21 Comment This is easier to do in chunks – programs, locations, type of volunteer work. It’s a great thing to do when starting a new project.

22 Taking this back home This takes longer than a quick conversation. It works better with a group – different views of what is happening. It requires ruthless honesty. The first time will be depressing. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

23 Final Thought The “Head in the Sand” approach

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