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IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697

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Presentation on theme: "IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697"— Presentation transcript:

1 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 IUP Research Institute Post-Award Services November, 2011

2 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole France

3 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 You Received an Award!!  Your PDO, with your assistance, will work to negotiate terms & conditions, process budget modifications, and execute the award documents  You will receive information from IUP Grants Accounting with account information (SAP, Etc)  Award Kick Off Meeting!  Questions on the award? CONTACT YOUR PDO! DO NOT SIGN YOUR AWARD DOCUMENT – You MAY be held personally liable!!!

4 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 RI or IUP? IUP RI/IUP RI

5 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 The Award Process  Your PDO will coordinate the authorization process for your award.  Review terms & conditions  Negotiate as necessary  Budget modifications  IUP/RI signature authorizations & Collaborative Agreement  Legal Counsel as needed  Award execution (email)  Account establishment (SAP, etc)

6 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 Award Kick-Off Meeting  Why?  To prepare for SUCCESS.  Pre-planning prior to implementation of your project provides greater project insight and prepares all involved to better execute their required responsibilities.

7 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 Award Kick Off Review Items  Budget Review  New Hires  Graduate assistants  Undergraduate student workers  Other  Subcontracts  Consultants  Equipment Purchases  Other purchases  Travel arrangements  Compliance Requirements

8 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 IUP Compliance Standards  Human, animal and/or other research subjects  Export Controls  Fly America Act  FFATA  NSF  RCR (ethics training)  Final Report Summary  Time & Effort  Award-specific compliance requirements

9 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 Standard Review Items  Period of Performance & timeline expectations  Required project milestones  Reporting deadlines  Invoice deadlines  Additional funding agency special requirements  ARRA Caution: There are penalties for noncompliance of ALL contractual expectations!

10 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 On-Going RI Contract Administration Support The RI will provide on-going administrative support throughout the term of your award. Typical services include:  Funding agency coordination  Sub-recipient monitoring  *PI SHARES RESPONSIBILITY  Budget modifications  No Cost Extensions  Reporting Requirements  Invoicing  Scope changes  Project personnel changes  Purchasing/Travel

11 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 RI Project Closeout Services  Upon completion of your project, the RI will assist with close-out activities including:  Final financial reporting  Submission or confirmation of submittal of final project deliverables & required reports  Final project inventory/ IP reporting  Other reports as required by funding agency

12 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 Project Archival  As required by federal regulations, the IUP Research Institute will archive project records for a period of no less than three (3) years.

13 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 Tips for Success  Keep your PDO informed  Develop a relationship with your funding agency  Monitor expectations, timelines, deliverables  Monitor your financial account(s) & understand the data – know your available balance(s)  Read (again) your award document  Ask Questions!

14 IUP Research Institute University Square 1179 Grant Street, Suite One Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 357-2223 Fax: (724) 357-7697 Any Questions? Please contact your IUP Research Institute with any questions you may have. We will gladly meet with you to discuss our services in greater detail or assist you with your sponsored research! 724/357-2223 or

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