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Maintaining Operations Following Natural Disasters.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintaining Operations Following Natural Disasters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintaining Operations Following Natural Disasters

2  How can we prepare for and deal with potential and actual losses/damages resulting from a “natural disaster?”

3  Natural disasters may include:  Hurricanes/Tornadoes  Flooding/Storm Surge  Earthquake  Freezing Conditions – Snow/Ice

4  2 Basic Levels of Response to a Natural Disaster:  Emergency Preparedness  Business Continuity

5  Emergency Preparedness:  Preparation and planning to cope directly with hazards and crisis events  Protection of people and property

6  Business Continuity:  Preparation and planning to continue teaching, research, service and other mission-critical functions, despite crisis events

7  What Conditions are Required for Business Continuity in Higher Ed?  Utilities:  Power/Electricity  Communications  Water Service

8  What Conditions are Required for Business Continuity in Higher Ed?  Provide Housing & Food Services  Care for Animals  Availability of Transportation  Student Bus Service  Faculty & staff must be able to get to their workplace

9  What can we do to prepare and plan for an event where we may NOT have access to some or all required operational elements?  Unique to each school, department, program & project  Best to develop from the ground up

10  Identify, Evaluate and Prioritize Specific Requirements for Continuity of Operations  Contemplate Adverse Case Scenarios  Develop a Plan  Develop a Back-up Plan  Communicate the Plan

11  Concepts and the processes generally not difficult to grasp or implement  Key is to PREPARE and PLAN prior to the event! “The battle is won or lost long before it ever takes place.” – Sun Tzu

12  Fast Facts:  Impact on 189 buildings (160 in NB/Pisc)  Damage to NB/Pisc properties est.@ $2 Million  Damage to remote locations est. @ $3.7 Million  Debris removal costs est. @ 2.5 Million  Research-related claims est. @ $1.2 Million

13  Specific Challenges to BCP at Rutgers:  What is our business?  Teaching  Research  Service  Support

14  Specific Challenges to BCP at Rutgers:  Extended power outages  Fuel shortages  Disrupted communications  Transportation issues  Operating in a very “fluid” situation

15  Research Operations: Unique Challenges  Dealing with costly and possibly irreplaceable research and resources  Potential inability to meet critical timetables for grants/funding  Insurers will cover materials but not labor

16  Research Operations: Unique Challenges  Accurate documentation of inventories and processes are absolutely critical for potential reimbursement of losses  Multiple systems, alerts and redundancies to prevent and/or react to power outages

17 Keys to Maintaining Operations Following a Natural Disaster?  Preparation and Planning!!!

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