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Qualitative Research Methods zFocus Groups z6 to 12 similar people discuss some issue of managerial importance zOccurs in a controlled setting with a moderator.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualitative Research Methods zFocus Groups z6 to 12 similar people discuss some issue of managerial importance zOccurs in a controlled setting with a moderator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualitative Research Methods zFocus Groups z6 to 12 similar people discuss some issue of managerial importance zOccurs in a controlled setting with a moderator and one-way mirror

2 Qualitative Research Methods zDepth interviews zOne-on-one unstructured or semi- structured interview with an individual consumer regarding a topic of some academic or managerial significance

3 Qualitative Research Methods zProjective Tests zTechniques used to tap into respondents’ deepest feelings by having them project those feelings into an unstructured, nebulous situation

4 Types of Projective Tests zWord Association

5 Types of Projective Tests zSentence Completion

6 Types of Projective Tests zCartoon Test

7 Types of Projective Tests zThird Person Technique

8 Types of Projective Tests zThematic Apperception Test

9 Types of Projective Tests zPersonification

10 Qualitative Research Methods zEthnography zResearcher goes into an environment s/he wants to study and attempts to answer the question, “What’s going on here?”

11 Qualitative Research Methods zProtocol Analysis zSubjects are placed in a decision-making situation and asked to think aloud (verbalize their thoughts) or write out thoughts

12 Qualitative Research Methods zResearcher Introspection zResearcher draws upon personal experience to help solve a research question

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