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P.S. This does not give me your number or any other personal info…just your name! If you haven’t signed up for text message alerts, you can do so now!

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Presentation on theme: "P.S. This does not give me your number or any other personal info…just your name! If you haven’t signed up for text message alerts, you can do so now!"— Presentation transcript:

1 P.S. This does not give me your number or any other personal info…just your name! If you haven’t signed up for text message alerts, you can do so now!

2 Welcome to Open House! Rostraver Elementary School 2015-2016 Mrs. Barkey Science Pawsitively wild about Science!

3 Tonight’s Open House: To help you understand what your child will be doing throughout the school year To explain my expectations of your child To share some ideas of how you can help your child’s learning

4 Who is Mrs. Barkey? Cal U graduate, both undergrad and masters. Certified in Elementary K-6, Middle School Math, Middle School Science, Reading Specialist This is my eleventh year teaching: – I taught 3 rd grade for two years in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. – I taught one year here at Rostraver as a PSSA coach. – I’ve been in a self-contained classroom, team taught, and been departmentalized for the last 7 years. – Currently, I teach science and social studies

5 Fourth grade is a transition year: Learning to Read Reading to Learn You will notice a lot of changes in your child this year as a fourth grader: physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and academically. In fourth grade, your child will be challenged in all of these ways.

6 PAWS To be successful academically and socially, children follow these rules: – Prepare for Learning – Act Appropriately – Work Hard – Show Respect

7 Folders The students are required to carry their accordion folder, which should be labeled accordingly: Language Arts Spelling Math Science Social Studies It might be a good idea to clean out your child’s folder with he/she present. They should know what to keep. They kill trees if not! And they will throw you under the bus! When your child does get rid of paper, start a recycling bin at home! Bring the papers back to school, and put them in the yellow and green bin out back. Our school receives money for papers that are recycled!

8 Science Class Presentation Will use – Powerpoint – demonstration – labs – hands-on activities – Inquiry based learning – Songs! – very little worksheets or “round robin reading” from the book

9 The Study Guide The notes taken in class is the study guide for what is on the test. Students will use a graphic organizer to take notes. Students are not required to complete the study guide at home. If a paper comes home incomplete, we will most likely finish it within a few days. Powerpoint will mostly be used to take notes. Powerpoints will be posted on Schoolwires for every lesson.

10 Study Guide This is what a study guide will look like…

11 Example Slide—This is what your child would see in class In your body, a single skin or blood cell does not work alone. 17. Groups of similar cells that work together carrying out a certain job are called tissues. 18. The tissue that covers and protects your body is your skin.

12 There is no given homework in science. However, studying is considered homework. Studying for a science test should take no more than 15-20 minutes per night. It would be a good idea for students to start reviewing science concepts a few nights before the test, instead of “cramming” the night before. There will be no at-home projects for science, however, the students may be required to bring something in for a project to be done in school.

13 Studying We frequently discuss studying techniques. Mnemonic devices are sometimes used when memorizing information in order. Studying is a must! It is very difficult to get a high score without some kind of studying. The study guide and book are excellent tools to use to study.

14 Tests Tests will generally be given once every six day cycle. Any test that has a grade of a D or lower must be signed and returned. It will have a label on it. I will initial the test and return it within a week.

15 Tests (cont.) I will post all test dates on Schoolwires. Tests are also posted in each classroom, and in the 4 th grade hall Students will also use their planners to write down test dates. Despite what the students did in the past, they will not be allowed to use books/study guides during the test. Tests will be announced as soon as possible. My plans change daily.

16 Grading The students do receive a letter grade in science this year. Most labs and tests will be graded Labs will be graded on participation, safety, following directions, checking for understanding, etc. Anything that is graded will have the number correct out of the number of possible points. There are no percentages. Tests are more heavily weighted than any other form of assessment. Students will be using technology to create Powerpoints and iMovies. A rubric will be used to assess these.

17 Absent Students It is the responsibility of the student to make up any work missed in the case of an absence. The student can make up work when they return either at the beginning or end of the day, intervention time, or at recess time. It is so important for students to be in school. Some things may be difficult to make up.

18 New Curriculum Science has a brand new curriculum this year. It will be a new experience all around. Please be patient while we ALL adjust!

19 “But my child never gets a ‘bad grade…’” Often times, fourth grade is the year that students start bringing home different grades. This is often times the first time that they are taking real science tests. It may take time for them to get acclimated. This is also the first time that science is graded. Technically an ‘S’ in third grade and a ‘D’ in fourth grade are the same thing. The bigger idea is the children learning the lesson, not getting an A on every test.

20 Fourth grade is a hump year! If the kids (and you) can make it through fourth grade, they can make it through anything! After all, the kiddos in fifth grade did it! Your child can do it too!

21 If for any reason, you need to get into contact with me, please call or e-mail. If it is during the day, you can leave a message and I will get back to you. Any information you could possibly ask for is on Schoolwires. If you need assistance getting onto Schoolwires, please let me know. Mrs. Barkey – – 724-808-2500 ext 5125

22 Thank You! Any Questions?

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