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Hackney’s 21 st Century Councillor Project and Induction Plans Joanna Sumner March 2010.

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1 Hackney’s 21 st Century Councillor Project and Induction Plans Joanna Sumner March 2010

2 21st Century Councillors PARKS AND OPEN SPACES HIGHWAYS AND VERGES HOUSING ESTATES The Project is working to realise the vision of councillors as local leaders, communicating with their residents and scrutinising public services. Hackney is one of nine exemplar authorities and is focusing on support for councillors from the whole organisation.

3 21 st Century Councillor Project in Hackney PARKS AND OPEN SPACES HIGHWAYS AND VERGES HOUSING ESTATES Hackney performs well according to CAA. Members have been central to our improvement. The Project is taking place at a difficult time for local government: no scope to increase net resources for supporting councillors we need to be imaginative to find ways of improving how we support councillors this will contribute to the Council’s core business: making Hackney a better place, delivering high quality & good value services This context increases the importance of active councillors: Difficult decisions require an ongoing conversation with residents Councillors have the local knowledge and understanding for Hackney’s services to become ever more responsive to its diverse residents

4 Hackney’s residents and members PARKS AND OPEN SPACES HIGHWAYS AND VERGES HOUSING ESTATES Hackney has one of the highest scores in the country for the percentage of residents who feel able to influence decisions in their locality: At 42% it could be higher and it is partially due to local demographics but it is also a tribute to the hard work of councillors, effective engagement mechanisms by the council and a vibrant civic society. Hackney’s members: are diverse, with 19 women, 30 from BME communities and the youngest councillor being 22. have served their communities in various ways, such as being secretary in a Mosque, campaigner against road humps, founder of an interfaith peace group. showed no appetite to spend less time on their role, but simply to be more effective

5 How councillors help make Hackney a better place PARKS AND OPEN SPACES HIGHWAYS AND VERGES HOUSING ESTATES The Project has found numerous examples of the value added by non-executive councillors including: Brokering different groups to achieve resolution of a parking problem. Bringing together cross-borough agencies to deal with serious crime. Addressing public concerns and developing policy on betting shops. Anecdotes are backed by academic studies showing how the local political culture can be made more open and how that has a long-term impact on services: Case studies demonstrate the impact on civic participation of openness and commitment to engagement of politicians. Engaged and active citizens provide feedback and scrutiny leading to efficient and responsive local government.

6 PARKS AND OPEN SPACES HIGHWAYS AND VERGES HOUSING ESTATES The unique role of councillors Well supported councillors closely fit the criteria for being the ideal bridge between the council and residents. Engagement works best when people: Have the resources and knowledge to participate. Have a sense of attachment that reinforces participation. Are mobilised by official bodies or voluntary groups. See evidence that their views have been considered. Councillors meet these criteria as they: Engage the articulate while seeking out less assertive residents. Represent the smallest unit of government organisation. Proactively communicate and use local knowledge to engage flexibly. Are accountable politicians, able to make their voices heard. This shows it is right to focus on support for councillors as local leaders, communicating with residents and scrutinising services.

7 What is a local leader? PARKS AND OPEN SPACES HIGHWAYS AND VERGES HOUSING ESTATES A respected and well-known person in their community who can advocate for their residents, mediate issues and build coalitions for change

8 Headline recommendations PARKS AND OPEN SPACES HIGHWAYS AND VERGES HOUSING ESTATES Directorates should review their arrangements for working with councillors and responsibility should be devolved as close as possible to the frontline. Review how members’ casework is dealt with to focus on quality of responses. Review formal engagement with residents with a view to joining up across the public sector. Develop a menu of options for members to be supported in engaging with residents, including one-off meetings and mailings, ward charters, web pages, mobile surgeries. Devise a new induction programme for members for 2010 that helps to put into practice the findings of this project.

9 How this translates into induction How to give councillors the best possible start has been a key line of enquiry: Councillors have felt that their induction has been focused on the Council’s directorates rather than their needs. They have said they were overwhelmed with information about structures and strategies they have little immediate influence on. Members want induction to focus on what councillors need to fulfil their more outward-facing role as well as possible, i.e. skills for advocacy, community development, place-shaping.

10 Recommendations on induction – knowledge and information Councillors want to know what powers they have – what they can do, not just what they can’t do. This will be followed up with introductions on propriety, ethics and structures. We will give members contact information for key people in their wards in local services/community groups – tenants and residents’ associations, faith groups. Members will be introduced to the Council’s policy framework through a tour of the borough that illustrates Hackney’s Community Strategy.

11 Recommendations on induction – skills Members will have, as a priority, training and information on key case work issues such as housing, planning and social services – how to get things done – and advocacy skills. There will be a focus on public speaking skills, and on chairing and scrutiny skills – especially for more recently elected councillors and those from less traditional backgrounds. Existing members who will be involved in delivery of the sessions.

12 Comments and questions

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