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INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Background of Study 1.2 Problem Statement; 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Scope 1.5 Significant/Important of study 1.6 Organization of the Report/Thesis.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Background of Study 1.2 Problem Statement; 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Scope 1.5 Significant/Important of study 1.6 Organization of the Report/Thesis."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.1 Background of Study 1.2 Problem Statement; 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Scope 1.5 Significant/Important of study 1.6 Organization of the Report/Thesis 1.7 Summary

3  Answer questions:  In industry case study: ◦ How the topic you are working is important to industry, shows the Statistics of the industry. ◦ Refer to the journal or facts on this topic. ◦ Where the study is conducted ◦ Characteristics of product

4 Example: Background of Study  In manufacturing industry, storing and retrieving are significant activities influencing the productivity.  The storage assignment will influence the efficiency of the order picking (Chan, 2010).  Factors such as warehouse layout, demand, location of items and picking methods affect the efficiency of the system (Gattorna, 1997)  Redesign the process, new equipment, layout or automation, computerization of process and use operational policies are necessary to increase system efficiency (Manzini, 2012).  The study is conducted at one of the apparel industry in Melaka which is a multinational manufacturing company with worldwide operations.  This study is about to assess the storage and retrieval system and propose an alternative system that can increase the efficiency and thus reduce the operating cost of the industry.

5  In this part you have to show that there is a problem in industry regarding on the topic you are working.  Show by the statistics of production or based on the preliminary finding such as preliminary survey, or interview with the management;  Or you may refer to the citation of the journal that this topic is currently need a study.

6 Example: PROBLEM STATEMENT Through the assessment using checklist and questionnaires, it found: a) Current system did not have any Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for storing and retrieving process.  Routing policies, picking policies, pick verification and sorted picking document were not adopted in current system. b) Ineffective identification and tracking system.  Complained by customers as incorrect quantity was being sent.  Missing items in BSA. c) Ineffective replenishment triggers  Items were not restocked even the reordering point reached. d) Unavailability of pick verification  Wrong items being picked and sent to dispatching areas. Every worker pick the wrong items before. e) Unsorted picking document  Operators back and forth during retrieving process. f) 50% of rack was empty  Dedicated storage location of some items are always empty.

7  State your objectives of this research or study ◦ Focus on how you identify the problem; ◦ How you are going to analyze it, what method you are using; ◦ State your final recommendation/study.

8 Example of: OBJECTIVES The objectives of this study are: a) To identify problems of current storage and retrieval system at Bulk Storage Area (BSA). b) To evaluate the efficiency of current storage and retrieval system. c) To propose an alternative storage and retrieval system that increases efficiency.

9  State your research/study limitation;  The area that you are working.  The method you are using.

10  This study was carried out at the Bulk Storage Area (BSA) of the apparel industry to assess the effectiveness of storage and retrieval system.  Only activities that involved in BSA which are receiving incoming accessories, storing accessories on the racks and retrieving accessories were investigated in this study.  The analysis of the system efficiency was based on the current storage and retrieval system.  Measurements of available and occupied space were taken for all rack in BSA to evaluate the storage utilization.  The retrieving time was collected through time and motion study to calculate the retrieving efficiency.

11  State how your study is important to improve the current problem of industry or  State how your solution can contribute to betterment of the industry.

12  There are some potential benefits that can be gained by the company after the completion of this study.  The arrangement of storage in Bulk Storage Area (BSA) of the apparel industry will be based on order characteristic which will reduce travel distance and time to store and retrieve the order.  The efficiency of storage and retrieval system in Bulk Storage Area (BSA) will be increased.

13  Describe the content of your thesis starting with chapter 1 till last chapter.  Describe in brief the content of chapter 1, 2 etc.

14  Chapter 1: Introduction  This chapter discusses the background of the study and company background. Problems are identified through interview and observation by using checklist and questionnaires. This is followed by objectives to be achieved throughout the study and scope which narrows down the area of the study. The impact of the study to the company is also revealed.  Chapter 2: Literature Review  This chapter covers the basic theories regarding the research topic and the previous studies from journal, book and the internet. The current material handling equipment is explained. The principle for storage design and policies of order picking are also comprised. Lastly, the methods for evaluating system and proposing alternative are described.

15  State the synopsis of chapter 1.  What important things you need to wrap up of the study.


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