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Carries oxygen to all the cells in the body Keeps your body temperature to 37 degrees Delivers necessary food and other chemicals to you cells Takes waste.

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Presentation on theme: "Carries oxygen to all the cells in the body Keeps your body temperature to 37 degrees Delivers necessary food and other chemicals to you cells Takes waste."— Presentation transcript:


2 Carries oxygen to all the cells in the body Keeps your body temperature to 37 degrees Delivers necessary food and other chemicals to you cells Takes waste products away from cells Seals cuts Antibody production Transports antibodies and macrophages to where they are needed

3 PLASMA: the liquid component of blood made of water and dissolved chemicals RED BLOOD CELLS: carry oxygen to the cells WHITE BLOOD CELLS: some are macrophages and some produce antibodies PLATELETS: form blood clots to seal wounds


5 The immune system is composed of: Lymph fluid Lymph nodes Lymph vessels Thymus Spleen Tonsils

6 A watery fluid that is similar to blood plasma Carries pathogens and harmful chemicals away from cells Carries macrophages and antibodies to where they are needed

7 LYMPH VESSELS: transports lymph throughout the body LYMPH NODES: produce white blood cells and destroys foreign particles

8 Filter out pathogens and harmful chemicals Produce white blood cells

9 Recycles used red blood cells Produces and stores white blood cells

10 Three examples of diseases of the immune system are: Allergies Auto-immune diseases AIDS

11 ALLERGY: an immune response by the body to something that is usually not harmful ALLERGEN: anything that causes an allergy The body will make antibodies against specific allergens. This is why an immune response is triggered every time the body is exposed to the allergen.

12 Minor Symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes and palate, hives or rashes Anaphylaxis: swelling of the parts of the body Can be life threatening if swelling of the throat blocks breathing

13 When a person’s immune system attacks cells in their own body. Example: Multiple Sclerosis is a disease where the immune system attacks the nervous system

14 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) HIV attacks white blood cells that make antibodies AIDS sufferers cannot defend themselves against regular diseases

15 Medicines that kill or prevent the growth of bacteria are called ANTIBIOTICS ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE: when a bacteria is unaffected by an antibiotic that is supposed to kill Antibiotic resistance can be caused by: Mutations: changes in the bacteria genetic material Conjugation: exchange of genetic material between bacterial cells

16 Diseases caused by fungi are treated using ANTI-FUNGAL medication. Diseases caused by PROTISTS are treated with medication designed for protists. Diseases caused by VIRUSES are hard to treat. We can only let our immune system fight them. However, you can prevent diseases caused by viruses by using VACCINES

17 Only the symptoms of non- communicable diseases can be treated Example: Cancer can be treated using drugs or radiation

18 Good hygiene Practicing good food handling and storage Keeping work areas and surfaces clean

19 Stopping certain behaviours that lead to disease Example: Stop smoking, limit sun tanning etc. Education on risk factors Example: Heart Disease

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