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Olweus Class Meeting 02/25/16 Grades 6 and 7.  “When does inappropriate online behavior cross the line to cyberbullying, and what can you do about it?

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Presentation on theme: "Olweus Class Meeting 02/25/16 Grades 6 and 7.  “When does inappropriate online behavior cross the line to cyberbullying, and what can you do about it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Olweus Class Meeting 02/25/16 Grades 6 and 7

2  “When does inappropriate online behavior cross the line to cyberbullying, and what can you do about it?

3  “What are some of the ways that you and your friends tease each other online for fun?”  “When does teasing “cross the line” and become harmful? What are some signs, and what does it feel like to be in that situation?”

4  Harassing (v.): bombarding someone with messages over digital media, or repeated contact when it is least expected.  Deceiving (v.): using fake names, posing as someone else, or creating a fake profile about someone else.  Flaming (v.): saying mean things, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in a public forum with the intention to humiliate.  Hate speech (n.): a verbal attach targeting someone because of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

5  WHY would someone not want to talk to other people about a cyberbullying situation?  What would the roadblocks be? Why?  No matter what “label” you put on a situation (ex./ we were only joking), if it makes you feel uncomfortable, upset, or hurt, you should talk to someone about it.

6  Click the link below to watch “Stacey’s Story – When Rumors Escalate” (2:57 running time)  modal/2078106 modal/2078106  After video is over, please get into groups of 4 or 5 and discuss the Stacey’s Story video discussion questions.

7  In your group, please read Case Study # 1 – “Attacked from all Sides” and answer the questions with the other members of your group.  Discuss your groups responses with the rest of the class.

8  In your group, please read Case Study # 2 – “Election Sabotage” and answer the questions with the other members of your group.  Discuss your groups responses with the rest of the class.

9  What does it feel like when a teasing situation “crosses the line” from harmless to harmful?  What are some different forms of cyberbullying?  What advice would you give to someone who feels cyberbullied?

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