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The American Revolution. Warm Up- Day 1 1.What is a (political) right? protects citizens from the government 1.What actions are justified in protecting.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Revolution. Warm Up- Day 1 1.What is a (political) right? protects citizens from the government 1.What actions are justified in protecting."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Revolution

2 Warm Up- Day 1 1.What is a (political) right? protects citizens from the government 1.What actions are justified in protecting your rights? – Think about it: » Is it ok to write a letter to the government to protect your rights? » is it ok for people to protest peacefully to protect their rights? » Is it ok to destroy property to protect your rights? » Is it ok to riot to protect your rights? » If the above actions fail- Is it ok to start a war and risk people’s lives to protect your rights?

3 The English Bill of Rights A document of rights that all Englishmen had These rights protected English citizens from the king, and from parliament. These rights prevented the king from becoming a tyrant Because the Colonists lived in English colonies they were English Citizens. Therefore, they were protected by the English Bill of Rights

4 Rights of Englishmen

5 John Locke Social contract theory- people are born free but they consent to be governed. In exchange they give up some freedoms. BUT if government violates this contract and takes away too many freedoms, specifically when the government violated life, liberty, property rights, people can rebel and create a new government. Those rights are natural – can not be taken away, rights you have by being born.

6 Pre-1763 Relationship Between Colonies and Mother England SALUTARY Neglect- England leaves the colonists alone. Lets them smuggle goods with out being harassed. Home rule-

7 French and Indian War 1763 – French Allied With Indians Fought English/ Colonists for territory for territory in the western part of the continent (OHIO) Who wins? ENGLISH. With the help of the Colonists

8 Results of French and Indian War Expands British Territory England is heavily in debt (war costs a lot of $$) Taxes in England were already high. Inter-Colonial cooperation during the war (Virginians meet people from Massachusetts, become buddies)

9 Proclamation of 1763 King George III outlawed all settlement west of the Appalachian mountains without guarantees of security from local Native American nations. Goal: to save $$. Cheaper to protect the coast than all of the land to the west. BUT limits where colonists can settle… remember land = power….and seen as a threat to colonial home rule

10 English are in debt from War… Sugar Act: Tax on sugar imported from Non-English West Indies, lowered tax on molasses BUT would actually be enforced. So now the colonists (Specifically the New England…remember, ships…) cant smuggle goods. Colonists are angry. WHY?

11 The Great Awakening Religious revival in New England- growth of evangelical religions (Baptist/ Methodist) Encourages people to start questioning leadership- established order

12 Representation in Parliament (English Government) England is 4 months voyage by ship from the Colonies – so it is too far for someone to go and represent the colonies, while the representative was living in England they would not have a lot of information about what is happening in the colonies. Will lose touch with locals. Solution: SELF GOVERNMENT AND HOME RULE- England lets colonies govern themselves and have LOCAL elected governments

13 So why is all of this important? Write a sentence at the bottom of page 7 in your packet summarizing your notes

14 So why is all of this important? Colonies were proud of home rule, had a tradition of rights based on their status as Englishmen

15 Exit Ticket Predict: what do you think will happen when the English start taking power away from local governments and trying to take a more active role in colonial government? 2 sentences, must use one vocab word

16 The Stamp Act:

17 The Stamp Act Passed by Parliament. Colonies do not have a representative in parliament. Until this point, the colonies had taxed themselves. It went into effect on November 1, 1765. It placed a tax on all newspapers and other printed materials. The Stamp Act would have an effect on anyone who bought a printed item like a newspaper

18 The Stamp Act Look back at the English Bill of Rights: What rights are violated by the Stamp Act?

19 Why Were the Colonists upset about the Stamp Act?

20 Document A (Modified) Boston-Gazette, October 7, 1765 My Dear Countrymen, AWAKE! Awake, my Countrymen and defeat those who want to enslave us. Do not be cowards. You were born in Britain, the Land of Light, and you were raised in America, the Land of Liberty. It is your duty to fight this tax. Future generations will bless your efforts and honor the memory of the saviors of their country. I urge you to tell your representatives that you do not support this terrible and burdensome law. Let them know what you think. They should act as guardians of the liberty of their country. I look forward to congratulating you on delivering us from the enemies of truth and liberty. Source: This letter appeared in the Boston-Gazette newspaper on October 7, 1765.

21 What is happening in Boston Why is the author surprised? Who reads newspapers, according to the author? According to THIS- Why are the colonists so upset about the stamp act?

22 CORROBORATION and Discussion Why are the colonists upset about the Stamp Act? Is the Stamp Act an unreasonable and unfair tax? Were the colonists actually treated like slaves? Were the British Violating the Colonists rights? How were the colonists behaving in response to the stamp act? Some Historians have argued that the American Revolution happened because a few rich people riled up the poor people in the colonies for personal gain. Is there evidence in the documents to support this? IS that evidence believable?

23 Economic Causes Political Causes

24 Instructions Todays agenda: finish the T chart Colonists vs. loyalists debate Colonists vs. loyalists writing activity

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