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Warm-up # 9 Describe some ways in which the conflicts/wars between the powers in Europe affected the British colonists. Describe how the French were finally.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up # 9 Describe some ways in which the conflicts/wars between the powers in Europe affected the British colonists. Describe how the French were finally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up # 9 Describe some ways in which the conflicts/wars between the powers in Europe affected the British colonists. Describe how the French were finally ousted from North America. Should the French and Indian War be considered one of the major causes of the American Revolution? Why or why not?

2 Chapter 7: The Road to Revolution

3 The Deepest Roots of Revolution Republicanism – Beliefs? Whigs – Beliefs/warnings

4 Mercantilism: Colonial Grievances Mercantilism – Importance of colonies – Duty of “tenant colonies” – Salutary neglect Laws regulating mercantilist system – Navigations Acts – British middlemen – Enumerated products of Britain Currency Shortage


6 The Merits and Menace of Mercantilism Benefits of Mercantilism for Colonists? – Loose enforcement – Ship parts – Tobacco – Protection of navy and redcoats Liabilities?

7 The Stamp Tax Uproar British Debt Prime Minister George Greenville’s Actions Sugar Act (1764) Quartering Act (1765) The Stamp Act (1765) Reasons behind all these taxes? Colonists Views Conspiracy Behind Taxes? – No Taxation Without Representation – Greenville’s “virtual representation”

8 Forced Repeal of Stamp Act Stamp Act Congress (1765) Non-Importation Agreements Sons and Daughters of Liberty Nullified Law Declaratory Act

9 The Townshend Tea Tax and Boston Massacre “Champagne Charley” Townshend – Townshend Acts (1767) Governors’ salaries Legislature of NY (1767) Colonial Reactions Boston Massacre (March 5, 1720) – Crispus Attucks


11 The Seditious Committees of Correspondence King George III More Reasons for Discontent? – Tea tax – Navigation Acts Samuel Adams – Local committees of correspondence Intercolonial committees

12 Tea Brewing in Boston British East India Trading Company Colonial Reactions to Enforcement of Tea Tax? – Philadelphia and NY? – Annapolis, MD? – Charleston, SC? – Boston Thomas Hutchinson The Boston Tea Party – Reactions?

13 Parliament Passes the Intolerable Acts Boston Port Act Other Intolerable Acts – Quartering Act Quebec Act (1774) – Colonists’ Views and Reactions?

14 Bloodshed Response of Other Colonies to Intolerable Acts/Massachusetts First Continental Congress (1774) – Deliberation John Adams “dignified papers” – Creation of the Association – Goal(s)? – British Response and Colonial Reaction? Lexington and Concord

15 Imperial Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths – Population – Army – Money Weaknesses – Ireland – France – London Gov’t – Sympathetic Britons – British Army in America – Distance – America’s geographic expanse

16 American Pluses and Minuses Strengths – Leadership – Aid from France Marquee de Lafayette – Other advantages? On the defense Self-sustaining because of agriculture Moral advantage: belief in just cause Weaknesses – Disorganization/Disunity Continental Congress – Jealousy – Economic Difficulties

17 A Thin Line of Heroes Basic Military Supplies Shortages – Food – Clothing and shoes American Militiamen – Drillmasters – African Americans Dunmore’s Decree – Lord Dunmore’s Ethiopian Regiment – Post-war blacks American Profiteers

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