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17 February 2016 – MEXUSPAC Seminar Mexico-United States Pollution Agreement and Joint Contingency Plan LCDR Roxanne Jensen, U.S. Coast Guard Rona Rathod,

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Presentation on theme: "17 February 2016 – MEXUSPAC Seminar Mexico-United States Pollution Agreement and Joint Contingency Plan LCDR Roxanne Jensen, U.S. Coast Guard Rona Rathod,"— Presentation transcript:

1 17 February 2016 – MEXUSPAC Seminar Mexico-United States Pollution Agreement and Joint Contingency Plan LCDR Roxanne Jensen, U.S. Coast Guard Rona Rathod, U.S. Department of State

2 History of MEXUS 2 1980 Agreement on Cooperation 2000 MEXUS Plan 2003 Regional Annexes Signed 2007 MEXUS Plan Updated – DRAFT Only MEXUSGULF Updated 2012 MEXUSGULF Updated 2016 Current MEXUS Plan DRAFT

3 Requires the U.S. and Mexico to establish a JCP to handle discharges of hazardous substances into the marine environment. Still the overarching guiding document for marine environmental pollution cooperation. 1980 Agreement 3

4 15 years of experience under the 2000 MEXUS Plan showed that the response procedures were less efficient than desirable. Language and operating differences found to complicate response. MEXUS Plan 4 2000

5 To improve response efficiency, the MEXUS Plan simplified so that response operations are conducted in accordance with the provisions and procedures of each country’s national response system. 1980 Agreement “joint response” can encompass coordination. MEXUS Plan 5 2016

6 Update Process  Working Group began reviewing in 2013.  Update drafted to align with current administrative and operational principles.  Legal guidance/review by Department of State.  Undergo C-175 process.  Reviewed to maintain alignment with 1980 Agreement. 6

7 Changes from 2000 MEXUS Plan  Simplified format.  No longer repeats information that can be found in 1980 Agreement or common pollution response principles.  Respond on basis of applicable national response system.  Joint coordination emphasized vice joint cooperation.  National-level JRT.  Delegation to Regional Chairs.  “Activation” clarified.  Requirement to align Regional Annexes. 7

8 MEXUS Plan Overview  Purpose: To provide standard operational procedures…to coordinate bilateral responses to pollution incidents…that could affect or threaten the marine environment of both parties. Response operations will be coordinated when both countries agree. 8 2000

9 MEXUS Plan Overview  Purpose: To promote a coordinated system for regional preparedness, planning, and response to incidents in adjacent waters by providing guidance that supplements the existing national response system of each country and facilitates joint coordination at the regional level. The Regional Annexes provide guidance with respect to the process that should be used on either side of the border. 9 2016

10 Joint Coordination v. Joint Response Joint CoordinationJoint Response 10 Legend U.S. Mexico Legend U.S. Mexico

11 “Activation”  Initiation of bi-national coordination during a pollution incident through the initiation of formal joint coordination.  The sharing of relevant technical and operation information can always take place.  Regional Annexes are “activated.” 11

12 Purpose of 1980 Agreement is to give action agencies ability to respond quickly. 1980 Agreement lays out the requirements for diplomatic communication (Annex II paragraph 2.4: “Agreement to initiate the joint response shall be communicated through diplomatic channels.” Diplomatic Notification Process 12

13 Diplomatic Process Annex II Chairmen of the JRT consult & agree to joint response Paragraph 2.4 Annex V Chairmen communicate recommendation to DOS and SRE Paragraph 5.3 Dip Process DOS and SRE diplomatic engagement 13

14 Notifying DOS: MEXUSPAC 14 MEXUSPAC Chair  USCG HQ & Attaché MEXUSPAC Chair briefs CG-MER USCG HQ  DOS DOS  Embassy of Mexico

15 Joint Response Team  Defined Joint Response Team (JRT)  Incident-specific JRT 15 U.S JRT COMDT D8 D11 Mexico JRT Chief of Staff ZN-1 OSC RN-2 OSC USCGSEMAR MEXUSGULF JRT D8 ZN-1 MEXUSPAC JRT D11 RN-2 Unified 2000

16 Regional National Joint Response Team Clarification 16 USCG COMDT (CG-5RI/MER) SEMAR 3 rd Section MEXUSPACMEXUSGULF SEMAR Region 2 USCG District 11 SEMAR Zone 1 USCG District 8 JRT Chairmen Regional Chairs 2016

17 Alignment of Regional Annexes  Follow numbering scheme.  Standardize forms.  Align as closely as possible. 17

18 Status of MEXUS Plan  Draft with U.S. Department of State.  Circular 175 authority pends.  Informed SEMAR 3 rd Section draft forthcoming.  What’s next?  Submit draft to SEMAR 3 rd Section for review.  Once draft negotiations are finalized: Coordinate signing of Plan. 18

19 Rona Rathod Foreign Affairs Officer U.S. Department of State Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs Phone: (202) 647-3879 Email: P OINTS OF C ONTACT 19 LCDR Roxanne Jensen U.S. Coast Guard Office of Marine Environmental Response Policy International & Domestic Preparedness Division (CG-MER-2) Phone: (202) 372-1508 Email:

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