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Search Engine Implementation Presented by Ramaselvi Bala Subhashini Rangu.

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Presentation on theme: "Search Engine Implementation Presented by Ramaselvi Bala Subhashini Rangu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Engine Implementation Presented by Ramaselvi Bala Subhashini Rangu

2 Objective To know the algorithm behind the search engine To build a search engine To analyze the performance of different search engines

3 Working of Basic Search Engine

4 Data Structure

5 Architecture Model

6 Organisation of our Search engine Technology used: Java Servlet, HTML, Javascript Web-Service Used: Apache-Tomcat 4.0 Data-base Used: Microsoft Access

7 Servlet Methods init( ) Public void init() throws ServletException dbconnect( ) Class.forName (“sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver”).newInstance() Service Public void service (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException destroy( )

8 Functions used ItemSearch() Displaysections() Displaycategories() DisplayListings() AddListings() Newupdate()


10 Lucene Search Engine Lucene is a Java-based open source toolkit for text indexing and searching. OAI Protocol Interoperability standard that provides a convenient way to share metadata among library repositories. The OAI standard was developed to provide a simple method to support the streaming of metadata from one repository to another, and ultimately to a provider of user services such as searching, browsing or annotation.

11 Future Enhancements Our project can be enhanced to implement more advanced search capabilities like category search and site search. If the indexer and the searcher is implemented similar to the other high performance search engine construction, our search engine performance can be extended to the very great extent

12 Conclusion On implementing this project, we learnt the technology Java – servlet and the database Microsoft Access and SQL. We also learnt the details about the network performance issues and OAI protocol. We grasped the concepts of indexing and searching and how they are implemented in any search engine to provide the better performance

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