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Word Grids/ Semantic Feature Analysis Dyanis Popova Benjamin Zachary Ming-Jen Fang.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Grids/ Semantic Feature Analysis Dyanis Popova Benjamin Zachary Ming-Jen Fang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Grids/ Semantic Feature Analysis Dyanis Popova Benjamin Zachary Ming-Jen Fang

2 Purpose and Benefits √ Learn terminology and concepts √ Connect to prior knowledge √ Provide an organized framework for learning related term through comparison and analysis √ Study aid √ Critical concept analysis

3 Implementation √ Should be co-constructed with students √ Create a premade, blank grid √ Suggest a concept or topic to students and ask them to suggest related words Eg: Virginia plants √ Write these words in the first column √ Add features, characteristics etc. along the top row.

4 Implementation √ Ask students to help fill in the grid. √ Connect each word with a feature using yes/ no, agree/ disagree etc. √ Demonstrate use of the grid for studying terms. √ Provide students with a blank grid to use for an upcoming lesson or unit. √ A large version can be put up as a student reference.

5 Implementation √Students can fill in the grid as critical terms and information are encountered. √After the grid is complete: √ Ask students questions about the words related to their similarities and differences. √ Model making connections between the effort of making the grid and assessment outcomes.

6 Bibliography Brozo, W.G., Fisher, D. B., Frey, N., Ivey, G. (2006). 50 content area strategies for adolescent literacy. Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall. San Diego State University (2010). Semantic Feature Analysis. Retrieved from /sfa.html

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