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 Most of them are living substandard lives, especially the ones in rural areas  Lack of opportunities to access education and employment due to: - barriers.

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2  Most of them are living substandard lives, especially the ones in rural areas  Lack of opportunities to access education and employment due to: - barriers in environment - discrimination - too much care and protection

3  Initially a Project funded by Nippon Foundation through DPI-AP in 2009  Legal status as member organization of Hanoi Disabled Persons’ Association (Hanoi DP) in 2014  Target group: limited within people with mobility severe disabilities – cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries and wheelchair users

4  Promote the right to independent living of people with severe disabilities with help from the IL Service  Seek for the recognition and support of the Government to the ILC model  Sustainability of an assistive model

5  Help PWDs live independently and develop their potential and abilities in the community  Be a voice to protect the rights of PWDs to access opportunities to education  Work with the Government for their support to the IL service model

6 1. Peer counseling 2. Program of training on IL skills 3. Capacity building for PWDs 4. Training and provide personal assistants 5. Other supports (for instance: providing information on Vietnamese welfare system, how to get the house modified for accessibility, transportation with lift van to PWD…)

7  Working in cooperation with MOLISA and other Government agencies and local authorities  Working with the Media to disseminate IL and ILC model, to raise awareness on PA service and PA job  Peer Counseling Trainings

8 Purposes: Rebuild self- confidence Build or rebuild social relations Help with integration into community

9 Learning experiences



12  Elementary and advanced trainings to PAs  Working with the media to be on TV talks and interviews and videos  Using the lift van as a travel service for severely disabled persons  IL dissemination to Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Can Tho and Quy Nhon DPO  Help to form IL Groups in Hai Phong, Da Nang, Can Tho

13  Helped and supported outdoor activities to the participants of the PC trainings (shopping, outings and on picnic)  organizing skill to PWDs  Elementary and advanced IL Skills Trainings to PWD (communication skills, moving in the house, traveling in wheelchair, planning, group activities, cooking, living in community, advocacy)





18  Respect the independence of their children  Teaching their disabled children living skills and everyday house work  Enable the work of PA during their working time

19  With the PA service, PWD have become confident and demonstrate their abilities  The disabled members have done advocacy in different ways: writing articles in newspapers, meetings and seminars…  A newsletter has been created and run by the members

20  Making personal assistant become a job for young people, promoting the social assistance for PWD  IL has been recognized by the Government as a good model to provide assistive services to PWD, and with the impact of Hanoi ILC, IL has been introduced into the draft Disability Law  A number of 36-57 persons with severe disabilities are using PA service with 40-85 working PAs

21  With DPOs for the Legislation Dissemination and Capacity Building  Peer Counseling to district DPOs  With Thanh Cong Taxi for a Friendly Taxi for PWDs  With ASEAN Disability Forum to promote the implementation of the CRPD generally and IL particularly  With Social Work Faculties of different universities

22  The service would be budgeted by the Government to develop the assistance service to people with severe disabilities  NGO support the sustainability of the model  Contribution of the community

23 Thank you

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