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Faster Cancer Treatment Data. FCT Indicators % of patients (by DHB and ethnicity) referred urgently with a high suspicion of cancer who receives their.

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Presentation on theme: "Faster Cancer Treatment Data. FCT Indicators % of patients (by DHB and ethnicity) referred urgently with a high suspicion of cancer who receives their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faster Cancer Treatment Data

2 FCT Indicators % of patients (by DHB and ethnicity) referred urgently with a high suspicion of cancer who receives their first cancer treatment (or other management) within 62 days. % of patients (by DHB and ethnicity) referred urgently with a high suspicion of cancer who have their first specialist assessment within 14 days. % of patients (by DHB and ethnicity) with a confirmed diagnosis of cancer who receive their first cancer treatment (or other management) within 31 days of decision-to-treat.

3 FCT Reporting – returns to date Data submitted in April for quarter 3 and July for quarter 4 plus any amendments to quarter 3. Data is baseline, and DHBs are continuing to streamline reporting processes. Quarter 3 volumes have increased by 36% (379 to 516). Quarter 4 volumes currently 554, YTD 1070.

4 FCT Reporting – returns to date FCT patients (YTD) represent approx 48% of estimated cancer registrations (DHB range 39% to 61%). Gap – patients not meeting data criteria or patients not being identified.

5 FCT Reporting - developments to date Regional FCT Data Group FCT SharePoint site Regional business rules / templates FCT Tracker / Clinical Advisor roles High Suspicion of Cancer ‘flags’ Laboratory reporting - diagnosis ‘flag’

6 Collection Processes

7 Key issues Data definitions eg. inclusions / exclusions Manual processes No single episode of care – current need to validate data Data sharing between regions IT supported processes waiting for CRISP Personnel capacity

8 2013/14 Activities DHBProposalCosts WhaDHBFCT Data training project – 0.5FTE for 12mths Concerto development – investigate Waitemata process $21K nil WaiDHBData access and integrity – 0.2FTE for a year (IT skill)$40K MDHBMOSAIQ Coordinator role – 1FTE for 12mths (clinical, IT skill)$95K HBDHBFCT Tracker – 1.0FTE FCT electronic reporting - 1.5FTE, 15 days $58K $12K HVDHBFCT Tracker – 0.5FTE for 6mths Programming hours $72K $4K C&CDHBMaintain FCT tracker (1.0FCT) / Clin advisor (0.3FTE) roles - 18mths Pathway development – 0.4FTE (RN), 2yrs Data consolidation – 0.25FTE, 54 days $94K & $45K $65K $43K TDHBFCT Tracker – 1FTE for a year FCT data capture systems – 1.0FTE, 30days (IT skill) $62K $15K

9 2013/14 Activities DHBs to continue to report FCT Indicators to the Ministry quarterly. DHBs to identify resource requirements for 2013/14 to support FCT data capture and reporting by 1/8/13 (MOH decision re funding due end August 13). DHBs implement new tracker roles and complete IT improvements as identified above (subject to Ministry funding). DHBs / CCN continue to work with the Ministry to refine data definitions and processes including attendance at national FCT data workshop (22/8). CCN to provide quarterly data analysis to DHBs to inform service improvement.

10 2013/14 Activities Regional FCT Group engagement with CRISP to inform WebPAS and Clinical Portal development. FCT Trackers and Advisors Group meet fortnightly to share information and improve data processes. DHB FCT Implementation Groups continue to guide and monitor DHB implementation activities. CCN analysis of inclusion and exclusion criteria for FCT indicators to ensure there is no inequity in patient groups being reported against these indicators.

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