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Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 Dominique LEGRAND Head of Tourism Department of Rhone.

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Presentation on theme: "Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 Dominique LEGRAND Head of Tourism Department of Rhone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 Dominique LEGRAND Head of Tourism Department of Rhone Farmers Association (Chamber of Agriculture) 04 72 77 17 54 1/53


3 I - Organization of Tourism in France Regional National ORGANIZATION MISSIONS STATE Ministry of Tourism  Department of Tourism  The new « Atout France Agency» Promotion of France (grouping ODIT and Maison Marketing survey and de la France since 2009) observatory National Federations for Tourism REGION Regional Councils finance local development plan promote tourism for each region Regional Federations Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 3/53

4 I - Organization of Tourism in France Departemental ORGANIZATION MISSIONS AT DEPARTMENT LEVEL Departmental council> finance departemental associations > finance private tourism projects * Departmental council for tourism > Promote each french department * Farmers association > Bienvenue à la Ferme local agency * Local associations > Gîtes de france local agency * Chamber for commerce * Professionnals corporation * Departmental councils for sport, education, health security… Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 4/53

5 I - Organization of Tourism in France Local ORGANIZATION MISSIONS LOCAL COOPERATION *association of Rural districts, > local Town and Country (french communes), County, planning protected areas *association for promotion of local tourism RURAL DISTRICTS> highways, amenities, 36 000 Mayors in France !environment management * Tourist Offices > promotion, animation, welcome * Tourist providers : private accomodation, restaurants, places to visit, farmers, local products providers... Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 5/53

6 II - Tourism in rural area Rural areas cover 80 % of the french territory 29 % of the tourist nights et 19 % of tourist expenses 16 % of expenses are for accomodation and 13 % for catering ¾ of the customers are French Customers are retired people, families, groups of friends, local customers 6/53 Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012

7 The major Labels in French Rural Tourism Gîtes de France 60 000 accommodations (creation 1955) Clévacances 29 000 accommodations (creation 1997) Accueil Paysan 700 providers (creation 1987) Logis 3 000 hotels Bienvenue à la Ferme 5 800 providers (création 1989) Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 7/53

8 THE NATIONAL FRENCH LABEL GITES DE FRANCE 43 000 property owners, 56 000 accommodations, 35 million holiday days give Gîtes de France a turnover of 450 million euros Provides 700 million euros to local communities all over France (20% of this from international clients). Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 8/53

9 A trademark belonging to the national administration of the Chamber of Agriculture since 1988 5800 farmers provide 7000 tourist services BIENVENUE À LA FERME « Welcome on the Farm » Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 9/53

10 III - Tourism in France, a female and feminized sector -Tourism is one of the most dynamic sector of french economy. -Women are prescribers, consumers also predominate in tourism providers. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 10/53

11 III - Tourism in France, a female and feminized sector They represent : - 60 % of staff in the administrations - 85 % in tourist offices - 66 % in hotels, restaurants and bars - 70 % in travel agencies and tour operators - 70 % in departmental tourist councils - 50 % in social and associative tourism Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 11/53

12 III - Tourism in France, a female and feminized sector But there is a lack of women at managerial positions. - 22% in the chief executive of national tourism administrations (7/31) - 35 % are director of regional tourism councils (9/26) - 24 % are director of departmental tourism councils (24/97) No women are in the head of national federations for tourism Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 12/53

13 III - Tourism in France, a female and feminized sector - Women are over represented in the lowest paid categories. - In France 85 % of part time employees are women and in rural tourism majority of part-time are women. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 13/53

14 IV - Women and Rural Tourism Women are in majority. In rural areas, it’s difficult to find daycare for children and local transport is not sufficient Through the activities available in rural tourism, their home can become their workplace. Which activities are proposed ? Most often home accommodation, catering or leisure activities, that can be complementary to agricultural activity. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 14/53

15 IV - Women and Rural Tourism What skills are required ? Skills requiring female qualities ; Sensitivity Listening Communication Intuition Multitask Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 15/53

16 IV - Women and Rural Tourism Expectations of rural women desire to open their mind a additional income a social recognition gain experience and qualification Transfer their skills from the private sphere (family cooking) to the public sphere (table hosts) is rewarding. Most of the time, these new paid jobs can cause changes in gender relations Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 16/53

17 IV - Women and Rural Tourism What difficulties ? Low wages, for example, maximum gain for the management of a B&B with five rooms is equivalent to a part-time job. It's difficult to get out of professionnal activity and spend time for family leisure, time or holidays. Usually there is no professional status, therefore no contribution for retirement (but it's new, since 2009, the French government established the status of self contractor for very small business and consequently many women have acquired a status) Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 17/53

18 Created in 1974, the missions are : Development of tourist facilities in rural areas through two labels ; Gites de France and Bienvenue à la Ferme Technical assistance for project holders (visits, diagnosis on-site, advice, financial plan) Promotion and marketing of all activities Coordination, training of the members and monitoring quality V - The Association for Rural Tourism in the Rhone area Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 18/53

19 The Departmental Association for Rural Tourism in the Rhone area A team of 8 women work for the association a team 100 % female ! The board is made up of 26 members including 17 women But for 36 years, the association has been chaired by a man ! The regional and departmental council for tourism are also chaired by men Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 19/53

20 What about the members ? 500 members (600 tourist offers) are managed by the association for rural tourism in the Rhône 46 % are farmers (for information national average is less than 15 % !) Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 20/53

21 What about members ? The women’s involment depends on the activity, We observe that in farmhouses, women often in the role of welcome except when the owner is winemaker because winemakers are mens most often. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 21/53

22 RURAL GITE Private property that can be rented for a week (usually from Saturday to Saturday), a weekend or a short stay. A holiday home that can be enjoyed by family or friends all year round. Each gîte provides reception, bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom and is well equipped to make the stay as comfortable as possible. The accomodation capacity usually varies between 2 and 10 people. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 22/53

23 An average investment of 58 000€ Average length of rentals: 16 weeks per year Average level of occupation throughout the year 43 % Average income per year : 5 700 € Average price per week: - 408€ in high season - 267€ in low season - 167€ per week end (Minimum pay for an employee in France : 1 055 € per month) Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 23/53

24 BED AND BREAKFAST Private homes (farmhouse, country cottage, castle) with rental rooms For one or several nights, according to its level of comfort, each B&B is classified with level 1,2,3,4 or 5. A hearty french breakfast (home-made jams and pastries, fresh farmhouse bread, local cheeses and dairy products) included in the price of an overnight stay A table d'hotes can be proposed and offers the possibility of sharing the family meals Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 24/53

25 An average investment of 15 000 € per room Average length of rentals: 80 / 100 nights per year/per room Average income per year/per room : 5 000 € Average price per night for 2 people : 50 € breakfast included and 17€ for a table d’hôtes meal. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 25/53

26 What about the owners of B&B ? We have 180 owners The welcome is carried out by women at 90 % because this task requires time to do the breakfast, cooking, clean the rooms. And usually in our society these tasks are performed by women… Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 26/53


28 Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012



31 GITE FOR GROUP Large accommodation suited for families and groups (from 12 to 50 people) for a weekend or holidays. Catering and leisure arrangements can be provided by the owner (breakfasts, meals, hiking, sports training periods). Suitable also for groups looking for a venue to hold a conference, environmental discovery classes, stopover for hikers, cyclists… Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 31/53

32 What about the owners ? We have 40 gites for groups and compared to other activities, we can observe that men are more involved in welcoming. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 32/53

33 Gîtes de France Rhône

34 GITE FOR CHILDREN For children (aged from 4 to 15) (minimum of 3 / maximum of 20) during school holidays. Families are carefully selected by Gîtes de France. They organize various activities : theatre, dance, painting, pottery, hiking, skiing, kayaking, riding, sailing, swimming. The smaller gîtes are often located on a farm, where the children can practice environmental activities. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 34/53

35 What about the owners ? The entire host family has to be involved But the educational or leisure activities Are managed by women most of the time, may be because 50 % of the owners are farmers. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 35/53


37 FARM INN Auto supply : superior to 51% The menus are made only with local farm producce Average capacity 50 people Average menu price : 20 € Income per year : 40 000 € / 60 000 € Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 37/53

38 SNACK ON FARM Possibility to taste sweet or savoury food made only with local produce Required equipment : reception room and toilets Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 38/53

39 THE « Aperitif fermier » COUNTRY STYLE APERITIF AT THE WINE GROWER Local produce are proposed to complete the wine-tasting. (the wines are from the wine grower) Local produce are supplied by other farmers in the neighbourhood. A guided tour of the vineyard can be arranged Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 39/53

40 LOCAL FARM PRODUCE Possibility of produce sale directly on the farm with garanties for customers both of local origin and local processing. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 40/53

41 EDUCATIONAL FARM Only for schoolchildren specific training is required The farmer must create teaching tools. A reception room and toilets are required Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 41/53

42 What about the owners in agritourism ? 100 % of the owners are farmers, therefore women are always involved in the activities, for local farm produce, catering, farm inn, educational farm… Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 42/53

43 Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012




47 VI - The future ? Changes necessary for the recognition of women's work in rural areas Positive signs of progression for women… In 2010, one quarter of French farms are now run by women (8% in 1970) Agriculture traditionally a man's job, is feminized In agricultural education, the share of girls is increasing (52% in 2010), they often choose service activities, processing and direct sale of farm produce Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 47/53

48 VI - The future ? Changes necessary for the recognition of women's work in rural areas The evolution of status allows a better recognition 1985 Creation of a new legal form: farm with limited liability allows spouses to be the only partners (husband and wife) 1999 Creation of status of collaborating spouse 2009 Creation of the status of self-contractor for very small business. Many women farmers have taken this status for manage tourism activities in their own name, allowing them to have social protection and rights upon retirement. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 48/53

49 Tourism sector is highly feminized, but few women have positions of power, while the proportion of female customers is increasing and that women are prescribers in rural tourism. In French society, the exercise of power is still traditionally the men's side. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 49/53 VI - The future ? Changes necessary for the recognition of women's work in rural areas

50 Only 22% of women in municipal councils and 5% in regional councils ! Women are very present in the structures of animation (70% of employees are women in associations) and poorly represented in trade unions and political organisations. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 50/53 VI - The future ? Changes necessary for the recognition of women's work in rural areas

51 Prospects for change : social evolution, evolution of skills (women graduates are now the majority in higher education in tourism), actions and leadership of female solidarity, feminization of agriculture, feminization of vocabulary. Laws were passed in France for women's rights. Workplace equality is a societal goal, but implementation is slow. Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 51/53 VI - The future ? Changes necessary for the recognition of women's work in rural areas

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53 Thank you for listening ! Association for Rural Tourism in Rhône - Women and Rural Tourism - Bruxelles- Study Tour -05/2012 53/53

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