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Near East Side Proposed Rezonings January 17, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Near East Side Proposed Rezonings January 17, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Near East Side Proposed Rezonings January 17, 2012

2 The study area…

3 Study area boundary map

4 Dayton's Bluff Community Council (District 4) Payne-Phalen District Five Planning Council District 2 Community Council Commercial property owners and/or business owners (owner of Hamm Brewery sites, the St. Paul Port Authority, and others) Representatives of the Dayton’s Bluff Area Business Association Dayton’s Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation Historic Saint Paul Metropolitan State University Latino Economic Development Center Legislative aides from Wards 6 and 7 Task Force Membership

5 Planning Commission and City Council Ward office: Focus the charge on specific, implementable, economic development action steps –A block-by-block assessment of real estate development / improvement opportunities (including vacant building rehabilitation/re- occupancy and possible new development projects) Task Force Charge

6 Short-term and long-term outcomes Review of nearby planning and development initiatives Inventory of businesses Meeting of E. 7 th Street Spanish-speaking business owners Made land use recommendations Considering streetscape improvements Near East Side Task Force progress to date…

7 Near East Side Commercial Buildings Subcommittee convened May – September 2011 to engage in a block-by-block analysis of opportunities –Vacancy or for sale? –Business or owner intentions? –Aesthetic improvements or renovations needed? –Current vs. new uses ? –Recommendation to the City or to other community partners? Rezoning? –Presented recommendations to community on Oct. 12, 2011 Recent step taken…

8 R Residential … R4, RT1, RM1, RM2 B Business … B1, B2, B3, B4 T Traditional Neighborhood … T1, T2, T3, T4 I Industrial …I1, I2, IR In general, the higher the number, the greater the intensity and/or number of uses permitted in the district What is zoning? Zoning 101

9 Various reasons: 1.To implement the vision of the emerging Near East Side plan 2.To provide for greater flexibility of uses in the walkable “commercial district” (mixed uses; addition of commercial or residential uses) 3.To reduce the amount of commercial (B3) zoning in places where commercial uses have not been predominant or developed 4.To recognize an existing, established use (single family residential home on a quiet street) Why rezone ?…

10 …The big ideas: 1.Rezoning to T2 between Mounds Blvd up to Forest St (and a few other areas) to support a consistent, walkable, mixed use district. 2.Rezoning to T1 east of Forest to support mixed uses, medium density housing, and small-scale commercial uses 3.Rezoning to R4 on Newcombe St to support existing residential uses. 4.Rezoning to IR to support industrial with design standards What do they consistent of ?…

11 Of 358 properties in the Near East Side study area, 128 are proposed for rezoning (i.e., 90 property owners), while 230 are proposed to remain with the current zoning district (i.e., 144 property owners) –36% of study area properties proposed for rezoning How many?…

12 Rezone from RM2 to T2 Rationale: Vacant property; near T2; near other properties proposed for T2; makes reuse of building more flexible (allows mixed uses, commercial uses) Example #1: Cerenity property 753 7 th St E.

13 Rezone from B3 to T1 Rationale: On transition blocks past the commercial district & Beacon Bluff and moving east; high # of vacancies and more residential uses Example #2: Vacant commercial property at 1120, 1124, 1130, 1144 7 th St E 1124 1120 1130 1144

14 Rezone from B3 to T1 Rationale: On block with multiple vacancies and mixture of commercial and residential uses; across from Globe site (industrial use) Example #3: Selby Ornamental 1158 7 th St E

15 Draft recommendations - rezonings Proposed rezonings

16 Draft recommendations - rezonings Proposed rezonings, with existing zoning

17 What happens if my property gets rezoned? 1.…Nothing if you plan on staying where you are, as-is. Changes in zoning classification will primarily affect property owners who decide to construct a new building. A change to the zoning classification will have no effect on an existing business (or home) where the owner wants to remain indefinitely. 2.The use may become conforming (consistent with zoning district) or nonconforming (inconsistent with the zoning district). Either way, the existing use can remain indefinitely.

18 Conforming versus nonconforming uses How would the rezonings affect them ? Non-conforming use = “a lawful use existing on the effective date of adoption (Oct. 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that is not now permitted in the district in which it is located.” –Total properties in study area = 358 –With existing zoning, there are 87 nonconforming uses (total), and 271 conforming uses –With proposed zoning, 48 of 87 formerly nonconforming uses become conforming –With proposed zoning, 4 nonconforming uses that are rezoned remain nonconforming –With proposed zoning, 5 additional properties become nonconforming –With proposed zoning, there are 39 nonconforming uses (total)

19 Nonconforming uses Impact on building/business expansion plans If nonconforming, how do I expand my building or business onsite? –The Planning Commission may permit it if it finds that The enlargement will not increase the # of residential units; If the structure is enlarged it must meet the setbacks, height, and lot coverage requirements of the zoning district; The appearance will be compatible with the neighborhood; Off-street parking is provided for the enlargement; Rezoning would result in “spot” zoning; The use (with the enlargement) will not result in negative impacts or be detrimental to the existing development character in the neighborhood; or endanger public health, safety, general welfare; The use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and A notarized petition of 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the property is submitted stating their support for the enlargement.

20 Process and next steps Jan. 31 – Near East Task Force meeting Feb. 28 – Final Near East Task Force meeting March 2012: Neighborhood Planning Committee review April/May 2012: Planning Commission review and public hearing June 2012: City Council review and public hearing

21 Q & A and your input

22 Project website: http: // Side/NEZoningStudy Or… -> Planning -> Current Activities - > Near East Side Task Force and planning Contacts: Luis Pereira, City of Saint Paul, Kate Reilly, City of Saint Paul, Karin DuPaul, Dayton’s Bluff Community Council, Questions / comments?

23 Nonconforming uses What happens if my use goes away for 365 continuous days? The nonconforming use must be re-established: –The Planning Commission may permit it if it finds that Structure, or structure and land, cannot reasonably or economically be used for a conforming purpose; The proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than the previous nonconforming use; The proposed use will not be detrimental to the existing development character in the neighborhood; or endanger public health, safety, general welfare; The use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and A notarized petition of 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the property is submitted stating their support for the enlargement.*

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