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1 Micro-tendering Tuesday 12 th June 2012 Wednesday 13 th June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Micro-tendering Tuesday 12 th June 2012 Wednesday 13 th June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Micro-tendering Tuesday 12 th June 2012 Wednesday 13 th June 2012

2 2 Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Framework / Micro-tendering Overview 3.Micro-tendering Demo 4.Group Exercise and Feedback 5.Future session options



5 5 Recent Activities Letter confirming delay to Framework launch Framework Prospectus Update Letter Workshop Schedule All available at:

6 6 Two interrelated commissioning models 1.Framework Agreement a)Set out the conditions that providers will need to meet to deliver services purchased by BCC b)Providers must be registered on the Framework Agreements in order to receive requirements against which they can submit an offer 2.Micro-tendering a)The approach that BCC will be using to select the provider that can deliver the best value service to meet the citizens needs. Approach – Reminder

7 7 Supplier selection on behalf of the citizen will be undertaken on the basis of a competitive micro-tendering process ICT and process mechanisms will enable BCC to undertake supplier selection in a consistent, controlled and transparent manner Micro-tendering

8 8 Providers will be given the opportunity to submit an offer for a package of work Providers can respond with an offer which will demonstrate how they can meet the specific needs of the citizen. This will include a price quotation BCC will seek to achieve value for money in the selection and purchase of all services Micro-tendering


10 10 Background By moving to an open competitive market approach we will greatly increase: –The number of providers making offers –The number of interactions between BCC and providers We have recognised that the micro-tendering process needs to be simple so that effort is focused on: –BCC creating micro-tenders (on the basis of the Support Plan) –Providers submitting completed offers –Consistent and efficient evaluation of provider responses.

11 11 SProc.Net Manages interactions between BCC and providers Supports greater consistency in the micro-tendering process Automatically scores provider responses to: –Attributes –Price

12 12 Micro-tendering 5 Evaluate provider response 1 Prioritisation of provision 2 Pre-micro-tender filter to long list providers 3 Prepare and send micro-tender 5A Phase 1: Attribute and price scoring 5C Phase 3: Outcome Review 6 Provider selection 5B Phase 2: Short listing 5D Phase 4: Total score 4 Receive provider responses to micro-tender

13 Assessment and Support Plan Mary undergoes assessment by a Social Worker Mary’s Support Plan is created with a Social Worker The Support Plan provides the information for the micro- tender Mary

14 Long-list of Providers Categorisation (completed at Framework Registration) will enable BCC to send micro-tenders to a long-list of providers Providers have been categorised on the basis on their Framework application by: –Citizen / Need Group (Service Category) –Service Type –Geographical Area Example Mary has dementia and requires home support in Edgbaston Example Mary has dementia and requires home support in Edgbaston

15 15 Micro-tender ElementDetail AttributesAn attribute is a feature or characteristic of a citizen’s care that the provider must be able to deliver OutcomesAn outcome is the end-result or consequence that the citizen would like to achieve from the care they receive Provider Work PlanWeekly schedule The micro-tender will be prepared by the brokerage function. It will include the following elements:

16 Example Attributes Are you able to meet Mary’s needs? Provide carers who speak Polish Provide carers who are experienced in supporting someone who may be verbally abusive Provide carers who can support with changing incontinence pads Answer Yes or No or standard responses from drop down menu

17 Example Outcomes Please describe how you will support Mary to meet her outcomes: Develop within 6 months closer relationships with friends and family and maintain contact Prepare and eat food, considering likes and dislikes within the first month Promote independence within their local community within 12 months

18 Demo – Part 1 18 5 Evaluate provider response 1 Prioritisation of provision 2 Pre-micro-tender filter to long list providers 3 Prepare and send micro-tender 5A Phase 1: Attribute and price scoring 5C Phase 3: Outcome Review 6 Provider selection 5B Phase 2: Short listing 5D Phase 4: Total score 4 Receive provider responses to micro-tender

19 19 Viewing a micro-tender

20 20 Viewing a micro-tender

21 21 Submitting an offer

22 22 Submitting an offer

23 Evaluating Provider Response – Approach The selection criteria is formulated to enable BCC to select the most economically advantageous tender. Taking into account quality criteria as well as price when reaching an award decision This enables us to take account of criteria that reflect qualitative and technical aspects of the tender submission as well as price when reaching an award decision

24 Quality 60% Price 40% Attributes (20%) Outcomes (40%) Weighting

25 Purpose of Weighting The provider with the highest overall combined score across both quality and price criteria will be ranked first Submitting the lowest price will not guarantee being ranked first Achieving the highest quality score will not guarantee being ranked first

26 Evaluation SectionFormatEvaluation Method AttributesYes/No responsesAutomatic evaluation Outcomes Free text responses, detailing what the provider will do to enable a citizen to achieve their outcomes Evaluated by brokerage Price Blended weekly price (£) Average hourly rate (£) Automatic evaluation based on weekly price Provider Work Plan Weekly schedule Reviewed by brokerage

27 Scoring – Total The Outcome score will be added to the Attributes and Pricing Score automatically by the system The supplier with the highest overall score will be positioned first on the shortlist If two offers have the exact same score, then the provider with the highest overall quality score will be ranked first

28 Demo – Part 2 28 5 Evaluate provider response 1 Prioritisation of provision 2 Pre-micro-tender filter to long list providers 3 Prepare and send micro-tender 5A Phase 1: Attribute and price scoring 5C Phase 3: Outcome Review 6 Provider selection 5B Phase 2: Short listing 5D Phase 4: Total score 4 Receive provider responses to micro-tender

29 29 First shortlist

30 30 Comparing offers

31 31 Comparing offers

32 32 Final shortlist


34 Exercises 1.Consider how you would describe the service that you would offer that will help Mary meet her desired outcomes 2.Consolidate questions and queries you have regarding micro-tendering Policy and Process System Impact on Providers Impact on Citizens


36 Timescales JuneJulyAugSeptOct Themed Workshops Fine Tuning System/BCC Testing Training/ Playing Go-Live Support

37 37 For further information on the Framework Agreement including the application process, specifications and FAQs is available through our website or mailbox:

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