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Business Case Step 7: Site Search – Leased Space 1 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Continue to BC_7_Site.

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2 Business Case Step 7: Site Search – Leased Space 1 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Continue to BC_7_Site Search worksheet Engage in Lease Site Search Complete Lease Site Survey Worksheets This completes the BC_7_Site Search worksheet in the Toolkit Workbook Define geographic search area with LO. Checkpoint IV Confirm LO ability to manage operational costs (lease costs) per site Checkpoint IV Review and approval (or not) of recommended lease site. Approval to proceed to BC_8_Cost Estimate or where no suitable lease site found approve to proceed to Purchase Site Search Lead Organization must first exhaust Lease Site search options before approval to engage in Purchase Site search options will be considered Where 5 or more Lease Sites meet the preconditions – 5 must be reviewed. Top 3 then proceed to detailed review (Condition Assessment) The Lead Organization will recommend a site based on criteria score outcome, but the ministry has final approval over site selection

3 Business Case Step 7: Site Search – Purchase Space 2 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity 1. Continue to BC_7_Site Search worksheet Engage in Purchase Site Search Complete Purchase Site Survey Worksheets Complete BC_7_Site Search worksheet in the Toolkit Workbook Define geographic search area with LO. Checkpoint IV Confirm LO ability to manage operational costs (lease costs) for leased land and any Own Funds portion of project Checkpoint IV Review and approval (or not) of recommended purchase site. Direction to proceed to BC_8_Cost Estimate Where 5 or more Purchase Sites meet the preconditions – 5 must be reviewed The Lead Organization will recommend a site based on criteria score outcome, but the ministry has final approval over site selection

4 Business Case Step 7: Site Search Additional Information 3 The ministry will fund up to 1,000 sq. ft. to shell in space that exceeds the approved ministry Total Approved Space for the project (defined in BC_6_Space Requests) Space that exceeds the 1,000 sq. ft. will be the responsibility of the Lead Organization and/or their Partner Organizations to manage (e.g. lease out, partition off, fund the fit-out or shell in) For space that exceed 1,000 sq. ft. over the Total Space approved in BC_6_Space Requests the “Own Funds” costs associated with that space will include (dependent on whether lease or purchase site): Proportional cost of land Proportional cost of any “one-time” land or base-building environmental remediation/upgrades that are traditionally not included in the average cost per square foot for renovation or construction Cost of construction and/or renovation for that space

5 Business Case Step 8: Cost Estimate 4 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity Continue to Cost Estimate- Lease or Purchase worksheet (dependent on ministry direction) Complete BC_8_Cost Estimates- Lease or purchase worksheet in the Toolkit Workbook No ActionReview Cost Estimates Provide recommendation (or not) for Implementation Grant This worksheet is completed by all Lead Organizations Confirmation of Lead Organization’s and Partner Organizations' ability to manage all Own Funds costs must be obtained prior to ministry review and potential approval of the Business Case

6 Business Case Step 9: Approval of Business Case and Funding Recommendation 5 Step(s)Lead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity Decision on recommendation for implementation Decision on funding No ActionCheckpoint V: Confirm Lead Organization’s and Partner Organizations' ability to manage all Own Funds costs associated with the project Formal Endorsement of Business Case Checkpoint V: Formal Approval of Business Case Where Implementation Grant is provided, direct LO to secure site and proceed to Stage 3: Planning, Tender, Award of Contract Business Case approval makes the project eligible for Implementation Grant funding consideration

7 Conclusion of Early Planning At the conclusion of Business Case the scope and cost of the project is defined: Lead and Partner composition finalized P&S composition finalized Space Requirements finalized Site Identified Total Project Cost estimated and Cost Share finalized 6

8 Stage 3: Planning, Tender and Award of Contract

9 Planning, Tender and Award of Contract Once an Implementation Grant has been provided the ministry will organize a Project Planning meeting with the Lead Organization, Endorsing Organization and Partners (as appropriate) to: Define the Technical Review requirements for the Design of the project (using the CHCP Checklist document) Review the Tender and Award of Contract requirements Implementation Grant funding agreements/package approvals will be the responsibility of the branch managing that project 8

10 Planning, Tender and Award of Contract: Design Review 9 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity Lead Organization Consultants will develop Design Plan Work with consultant team to develop design plans that correspond with approved Business Case scope and cost Complete F&E list No ActionCheckpoint VI Review and formal approval of design plans at defined percentage completion Where branches other than HCIB require technical support in review this will be provided by HCIB PMO Review requirements and Checkpoints for single-provider projects will be defined by each branch based on complexity of project Multiple provider complex projects will require plan review at (minimum) 30% design development and 60% design development. Cost estimate updates will accompany each of these submissions Request for change to approved scope will require ministry approval of amendments to the Business Case

11 Planning, Tender and Award of Contract: Tender Package Development 10 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity Lead Organization Consultants will develop Tender Package Work with consultant team to develop Tender Package that corresponds with approved plans and is within funding allocation No ActionCheckpoint VII: Review and Approval of Contract Documents (Tender Package) Formal Approval to Tender the Contract Approval of Contract Documents will be managed by Branch managing project Cost update will accompany this submission Where cost estimate exceeds approved Implementation Grant additional funding may be considered or scope of project redefined

12 Planning, Tender and Award of Contract: Tender Process 11 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity Lead Organization Consultants will Tender Project LO will tender the project in accordance with requirements as defined by their funding administrator ministry No ActionMonitor tender process in accordance with funding administrator ministry’s processes and requirements Approval of Contract Documents will be managed by Branch managing project Cost update will accompany this submission Where cost estimate exceeds approved Implementation. Grant additional funding may be considered or scope of project redefined

13 Planning, Tender and Award of Contract: Approval to Award 12 Sub-StepsLead Org Activity (LO) Endorsing Org (EO) Activity Ministry Activity Lead Organization selects successful bidder LO will select successful bidder in accordance with requirements as defined by their funding administrator ministry Update Project Costs No ActionCheckpoint VIII: Finalize Project Costs Formal Approval of Award of Contract Approval of Award of Contract will be managed by Branch managing project Cost share will be defined by the Community Health Service Provider Cost Share Guide Where cost estimates exceeds approved Implementation Grant additional funding may be considered or scope of project redefined

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