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6/12/2016 1 Legal Titans Public Speaking Program – 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "6/12/2016 1 Legal Titans Public Speaking Program – 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/12/2016 1 Legal Titans Public Speaking Program – 2014

2 6/12/2016 2 Why Public Speaking? You communicate everyday. When you talk, write, and listen to others.

3 6/12/2016 3 How Does Public Speaking Help You?  Allows you to express yourself.  Influence others.  Is a skill you will use throughout your life!

4 6/12/2016 4 Alberta 4-H Public Speaking Program All members write and do a communication activity at their club level.

5 5 P’s of Public Speaking Plan Prepare Polish Practice Present

6 6/12/2016 6 How to Get Started? Select a topic or a theme Have an IDEA! What is it you would like to talk about? Examples: hobbies, sports, famous person, vacation, friend, special event, animals, etc HINT: Juniors-write about a trip or something you have experienced Intermediates-a personal topic with a bit more research.

7 6/12/2016 7 Begin Writing Your Speech Research your topic ⃗ Search Internet ⃗ Library ⃗ Newspapers ⃗ Magazines ⃗ Books ⃗ T.V. ⃗ Interview

8 6/12/2016 8 Begin Writing Your Speech Your speech should have three parts: → Introduction → Body → Conclusion

9 6/12/2016 → Introduction Get Attention Do the Salutation Introduce Topic Provide Motivation Preview Speech

10 6/12/2016 10 → Introduction Use a short introduction to get the audience’s attention and share your main idea. Can use a famous quote, a question or your reason for choosing your topic. Remember “Thank you Madam/Mister Chairman, Honourable Judges, Guests, Fellow 4Hers

11 6/12/2016 → Body Give Descriptions about topic. Should give three to five main points about your topic. The points should be interesting and have a logical order.

12 6/12/2016 → Conclusion Summary Quotation Summarize Speech Reemphasize Main Idea Provide Closure And end with a final thought, something you want the audience to remember about your topic

13 6/12/2016 13 Preparing Speech Write your speech on notebook paper and have your parent, teacher, another adult, or leader, proofread it. Then write/type your speech out on note cards, skipping lines Number your note cards

14 6/12/2016 14 How long should your speech be? Juniors and Intermediates: Between 3 – 5 minutes Seniors: Between 4-6 minutes Impromptus: Between 1-2 minutes Time yourself to see if your speech is the correct length

15 Practice Speech Recreate Setting Practice Without Memorizing Practice Out Loud Go through your entire speech every time!!!! Watch Yourself- look in a mirror

16 Practice Speech Avoid saying um and uh Don’t talk too fast Make eye contact with the audience (use stickies on the wall ) Speak up

17 Elements of Physical Delivery or Body Language Appearance Posture Facial Expression Eye Contact Movement Gestures

18 6/12/2016 18 Giving Your Speech Podiums and mics are optional Do not lean on podium Use good posture & stand still

19 6/12/2016 19 Giving Your Speech Don’t say “thank you” at the end of your speech Look Sharp - Dress appropriately Relax, smile & have fun!!!!

20 6/12/2016 20 Watch Your Mannerisms Playing with hair Do not fidget Chewing gum Rocking your feet Too many hand gestures

21 6/12/2016 21 Example of a “Bad” Speech vQYeI0vys vQYeI0vys

22 6/12/2016 22 Example of a “Good” Speech FAxkOVG0js FAxkOVG0js STtkmEp8Ao STtkmEp8Ao

23 Impromptus 15 seconds to pick a topic 1 minute to prepare Speak for at least 1 minute! EASY! Good catchy intro (use a question) 5W’s and How Practice SMILE 6/12/2016 23

24 6/12/2016 24 Questions?

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