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Group Process Gains AP = PP - PL + PG Actual = Potential - Process Losses + Process Gains Productivity.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Process Gains AP = PP - PL + PG Actual = Potential - Process Losses + Process Gains Productivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Process Gains AP = PP - PL + PG Actual = Potential - Process Losses + Process Gains Productivity

2 Which one is different ?

3 5 Models of Decision Making Rational Bounded Rationality Linear Garbage Can Intuitive

4 Intuitive Decision Making The default mode of decision making when there is a high level of: – uncertainty – novelty – complexity – limited information – time pressure

5 Models of Intuitive Decision Making FLOW - Individual focus Sense-making - Interactional focus Knowledge Creation - Holistic focus; considers individual, interactional, and contextual factors.

6 FLOW Individual Creativity& Peak Performance Perceived & real competence Intrinsic rewards Focused attention and reflection FLOW = (PxR) Competence + Attention/Reflection + Intrinsic Reward

7 What Kills Creativity?

8 FEAR Creativity Killers... Surveillance Competition Extrinsic Rewards Over-control Restricted Choice Pressure Time Constraints

9 Sense-making Reflective and thoughtful interactions with: Individual skill & experience Stuff of the situation (improvisation) Past & present Group members & their roles ›Real Role ›“Virtual” Role

10 Knowledge Creation Explicit knowledge is: –Logical, formal based upon theories –“Right” answers –Valued in Western culture Tacit knowledge is: –Intuitive, feeling or values based –Increase due to reflection, socialization, or experience –Valued in non-Western cultures EK + TK = Spiral of New Knowledge

11 Context for Creativity Environment - properly defining it is key Organizational Structure –Leadership –Interdependence and communication Technology - changes, strengths and deficits Strategy - culture of risk taking, tolerance of mistakes

12 Prerequisites for Knowledge Creation Intention - articulated strategy or vision statement Variety - heterogeneity and minimal hierarchy Autonomy - individual or self-organizing teams Creative Chaos - ambiguity that interrupts routines Redundance - overlapping or repetitive sharing of information.

13 Garbage Can Model & Failures (?) Bounded Rationality EK + TK = Innovation Linear Risk Taking

14 Results Global symbol Industry Leader Innovation

15 Summary Intuitive decision making is congruent with today’s organizational environment. Prominent Theories include: –FLOW –Sense-making –Knowledge Creation BASF used all decision making strategies, including intuitive strategies, to achieve their goals.

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