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Motivation Cymhelliant AS Physical Education Addysg Gorfforol.

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1 Motivation Cymhelliant AS Physical Education Addysg Gorfforol

2 What is Motivation? Beth yw cymhelliant? Most definitions of motivation refer to the drive to take part and persist in an activity. Mae rhan fwyaf o diffiniadau yn credu mai cymhelliant yw’r drief i gymryd rhan a parhau mewn gweithgaredd. A sport specific definition is the tendency of an individual or team to begin and carry on with the activities relating to their sport. Diffiniad sy’n benodol i chwaraeon yw’r tuedd i unigolyn neu tim i ddechrau a cario ymlaen efo’r gweithgareddau sy’n berthnasol i’w chwaraeuon.

3 Intrinsic / Cynhenid (Mewnol) Intrinsic – when someone is participating in an activity without an external reward and/or without the primary motivation being achievement of some form of external reward. When people are asked why they play sport and they reply with ‘for fun’ or ‘because they make them feel good’ they are said to be intrinsically motivated. Cynhenid ​​- pan fydd rhywun yn cymryd rhan mewn gweithgaredd heb gwobr allanol a / neu heb i’r prif gymhelliant fod o ryw fath o wobr allanol. Pan ofynnir i bobl pam eu bod yn cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon ac maent yn ateb gyda 'am hwyl' neu 'oherwydd ei fod yn gwneud iddyn nhw deimlo'n dda' maent yn dweud maent gyda cymhelliant mewnol.

4 Intrinsic / Cynhenid There are three parts: 1.Motivated by accomplishments – athletes want to improve their skill to get a sense of accomplishment. 2.Motivated by stimulation – refers to seeking an adrenaline rush. 3.Motivated by knowledge – being curious by their own performance, wanting too know more about it, desire to develop new techniques. Mae tair rhan: 1.Cymhelliant gan gyflawniadau - athletwyr eisiau gwella eu sgiliau i gael ymdeimlad o gyflawniad. 2.Cymhelliant gan ysgogi - yn cyfeirio at geisio rhuthro adrenalin. 3.Cymhelliant gan wybodaeth - bod yn chwilfrydig am eu perfformiad eu hunain, sydd eisiau gwybod mwy am y peth, awydd i ddatblygu technegau newydd.

5 Extrinsic / Angynghenid (Allanol) Extrinsic motivation is when someone behaves the way they do because of some form of external mechanism. The most common forms of extrinsic motivation come from tangible rewards (things that can be physically given to you, money, trophies) and intangible rewards (praise and encouragement) Cymhelliant anghynhenid ​​yw pan fydd rhywun yn ymddwyn y ffordd y maent yn ei wneud oherwydd rhyw fath o fecanwaith allanol. Y mathau mwyaf cyffredin o gymhelliant anghynhenid ​​yn dod o wobrau diriaethol (pethau y gellir eu rhoi yn gorfforol i chi, arian, tlysau) a gwobrau anniriaethol (canmoliaeth ac anogaeth)

6 Effective extrinsic rewards Cymhelliant angynghenid effeithiol Don’t give rewards too frequently (they will loose value after a period of time). A coach must have in-depth knowledge of the athletes he is working with to maximise the effect of extrinsic rewards. Extrinsic can potentially increase intrinsic motivation if the extrinsic motivation is used as a method of controlling the athlete. If the extrinsic motivator is used to provide feedback to the athlete, this can benefit intrinsic motivation. Peidiwch â rhoi gwobrau yn rhy aml (byddant yn colli gwerth ar ôl cyfnod o amser). Rhaid i hyfforddwr gael gwybodaeth fanwl o'r athletwyr mae’n gweithio gyda er mwyn gwneud y gorau o'r effaith gwobrau anghynhenid​​. Gall anghynhenid ​​o bosibl gynyddu cymhelliant cynhenid ​​os yw'r cymhelliant anghynhenid ​​yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel dull o reoli yr athletwr. Os yw'r cymhelliad anghynhenid ​​yn cael ei ddefnyddio i roi adborth i'r athletwr, gall hyn fod o fudd cymhelliant cynhenid.

7 Intrinsic / Extrinsic Motivation Cymhelliant Cynhenid / Allanol The way in which the athlete perceives and understands the original extrinsic motivator determines whether it will benefit or hinder intrinsic motivation. Mae'r ffordd y mae'r athletwr yn gweld ac yn deall y gwreiddiol anghynhenid ​​gymhelliad yn penderfynu a fydd yn fantais neu anfantais i cymhelliant cynhenid.

8 Achievement Motivation Theory Theori Cymhelliant Cyflawniad Atkinson 1984 Achievement motivation comes from peoples personality and their motivation to strive for success. It is a drive that makes athletes carry on trying even when there are obstacles or when they fail. Mae Cymhelliant Cyflawniad pobl yn dod o bersonoliaeth ac eu cymhelliant i ymdrechu ar gyfer llwyddiant. Mae'n ymgyrch sy'n gwneud i athletwyr parhau i geisio hyd yn oed pan mae yna rwystrau neu pan fyddant yn methu.

9 Achievement Motivation Theory Theori Cymhelliant Cyflawniad Athletes are grouped into two categories: 1.Need to achieve success (NACh) 2.Need to avoid failure (NAF) Everyone has aspects of both NACh and NAF but it is the difference between the two motives that makes up somebody’s achievement motivation. Athletwyr yn cael eu grwpio yn ddau gategori: 1.Angen sicrhau llwyddiant (NACh) 2.Angen osgoi methiant (NAF) Mae gan bawb agweddau o'r ddau NACh a NAF, ond y gwahaniaeth rhwng y ddau cymhellion sy'n gwneud i fyny cymhelliant cyflawniad rhywun.

10 Attribution Theory / Theori Priodoliad Shows how people explain success or failure. It helps you understand an athletes actions and motivations. Dangos sut mae pobl yn esbonio llwyddiant neu fethiant. Mae'n eich helpu i ddeall unrhyw gamau athletwyr a chymhellion.

11 Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos Players explained outcome using attributions which fall into one of the following categories: 1.Stability – is the reason perminent or unstable? 2.Causality – is it something that falls into an external or internal factor. 3.Control – is it under your control or not? Mae chwaraewyr esbonio canlyniad gan ddefnyddio priodoliadau sy'n dod o dan un o'r categorïau canlynol: 1.Sefydlogrwydd - yw'r rheswm yn bendant neu ansefydlog? 2.Achosiaeth - a yw'n rhywbeth sy'n disgyn i mewn i ffactor allanol neu fewnol. 3.Rheoli - ydi o o dan eich rheolaeth neu beidio? Attribution Theory / Theori Priodoliad

12 Type of Attribution Math o Priodoliad Winning Example Enghraifft ennill Losing Example Enghraifft Colli Stability Sefydllogrwydd I was more able than my opponent (stable) I was lucky (unstable) I was less able than my opponent (stable) I was unlucky (unstable) Causality Achosiaeth I tried really hard (internal) My opponent was easy to beat (external) I didn’t try hard enough (internal) My opponent was impossible to beat (external) Control Rheoli I trained really hard (under your control) He wasn’t as fit as I was (not under your control) I didn’t train hard enough (under your control) He was fitter than I was (not under your control) Attribution Theory / Theori Priodoliad

13 Effects of Motivation on Performance Effaith Cymhelliant ar perfformiad Motivation is an essential component of successful sports performance. However if someone is so motivated they won’t stop, this can cause problems. Mae cymhelliant yn elfen hanfodol o perfformiad llwyddiannus. Fodd bynnag, os yw rhywun efo gymaint o gymhelliant tan eu bod yn cau stopio, gall hyn achosi problemau.

14 Positive Motivation Cymhelliant Postif Someone who is motivated to play, perform and train at an optimal level will experience increases in performance. It is the role of athletes, coaches, managers and support to make sure the athlete is at optimal levels of motivation, without experiencing any negative side effects. Rhywun sydd a cymhelliant i chwarae, perfformio a hyfforddi ar y lefel orau posibl i profi cynnydd mewn perfformiad. Mae'n rôl ar athletwyr, hyfforddwyr, rheolwyr a chefnogaeth i wneud yn siŵr bod yr athletwr ar y lefelau gorau posibl o gymhelliant, heb brofi unrhyw sgîl-effeithiau negyddol.

15 Negative Motivation Cymhelliant Negyddol Athletes are often under pressure to perform at a high level so they feel the need to train more and more. However, over motivation and a gruelling schedule can lead to over-training, staleness and burnout. Staleness can be a response too overtraining. Gall athletwyr yn aml fod o dan bwysau i berfformio ar lefel uchel felly maent yn teimlo’r angen i hyfforddi mwy a mwy. Fodd bynnag, gall dros cymhelliant ac amserlen galed arwain at or-hyfforddi, ddiflastod a ddiffygio. Gall diflastod fod yn ymateb yn rhy overtraining.

16 Signs of over-training Arwyddon gor-ymarfer Unable to maintain a previous performance level or levels decrease significantly. Mood swings / depression Burnout – trying too hard when trying to meet training demands. When they burnout, they don’t want to carry on with the activities they used to enjoy. Methu cynnal lefel perfformiad blaenorol neu lefelau gostwng yn sylweddol. Siglenni hwyliau / iselder Burnout - trio'n rhy galed wrth geisio ateb gofynion hyfforddi. Pan fyddant yn cael burnout, nid ydynt am barhau â'r gweithgareddau rooeddent arfer eu mwynhau.

17 Future expectations of success and failure Disgwyliadau yn y dyfodol o lwyddiant a methiant Expectations of future success or failure are linked to attribution theory. If you attribute it too stable causes (e.g. Skill) you are likely to have expectations of future success whereas if you attribute to more unstable causes (e.g. Luck), you are more likely to have expectations of future failure. Mae disgwyliadau o lwyddiant neu fethiant yn y dyfodol yn gysylltiedig â theori priodoli. Os ydych yn priodoli hyn i achosion yn rhy sefydlog (ee Sgiliau) rydych yn debygol o fod â disgwyliadau llwyddiant yn y dyfodol. Ond os ydych yn ei briodoli i achosion mwy ansefydlog (ee lwc), rydych yn fwy tebygol o gael disgwyliadau o fethiant yn y dyfodol.

18 Task Describe the different types of motivation, and how they can influence sports participation and performance. – Define motivation and different types – Look at how both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation influence sport performance. – Describe the theories of motivation and how people have tried to use them to understand motivation in sport.

19 Tasg Disgrifio'r gwahanol fathau o gymhelliant, a sut y gallant ddylanwadu ar gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon a pherfformiad. – Diffiniwch cymhelliant a’r mathau gwahanol – Edrychwch ar sut mae cymhelliant cynhenid ​​ac anghynhenid​​ yn effeithio perfformiad. – Disgrifiwch y damcaniaethau cymhelliant a sut mae pobl wedi ceisio eu defnyddio i ddeall cymhelliant mewn chwaraeon.

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