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Lecture 7 Performance and Motivation of Public Bureaucracy I: A Theory of Effective Public organizations Introduction to public bureaucracy 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 7 Performance and Motivation of Public Bureaucracy I: A Theory of Effective Public organizations Introduction to public bureaucracy 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 7 Performance and Motivation of Public Bureaucracy I: A Theory of Effective Public organizations Introduction to public bureaucracy 1

2 Bureaucratic Effectiveness Public bureaucracy as “galloping elephants” (Rainey and Steinbauer 1999) -A term that describes effectiveness of public bureaucracies that have been viewed to be large, cumbersome, and lumbering entities Elements (or propositions) of effective public bureaucracies? 2

3 Defining Effectiveness The concept of effectiveness refer to (Rainey and Steinbauer 1999) 1) Goal accomplishment: Whether the agency does well that which it is supposed to do? 2) Human resource effectiveness: Whether people in the agency work hard and well? 3) Procedural effectiveness: Whether the actions and procedures of the agency and its members are well suited to achieving its mission? 3

4 Relations with Oversight Authorities Effective agencies will have oversight authorities that are supportive, delegative, and attentive to agency mission accomplishment. The supportive authorities  more resources and easier authorization The delegative authorities  less micromanagement and less extensive intervention The attentive authorities  greater emphasis on performance 4

5 Relations with Other Stakeholders Favorable public opinion and general public support Multiple, influential, mobilizable constituent and client groups Effective relations with partners and suppliers - Effective management of contracting and contractors - Effective management of networks 5

6 Autonomy and Bureaucratic Discretion Agencies will be more effective when they have higher levels of autonomy in relation to external stakeholders. ** However, the relationship between autonomy and effectiveness is curvilinear. The optimum level of autonomy? Trade-off between effectiveness and accountability 6

7 Mission Valence (Attractiveness of the Mission) Difficult but feasible Reasonably clear and understandable Worthy/worthwhile/legitimate Interesting/ exciting Important/influential Distinctive 7

8 Organizational Culture and Leadership Organizational culture that emphasizes mission accomplishment (or result-oriented culture) will enhance effectiveness of the agency. Effective leadership that is characterized by stability, multiplicity, commitment to mission, effective goal setting, and effective administrative and political coping will enhance effectiveness of the agency. 8

9 Task Design Intrinsic motivation: “motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exist within the individual rather than relying on external pressures or a desire for reward” (e.g., interest, growth, responsibility, service, and mission accomplishment) Extrinsic motivation: “the performance of an activity in order to attain an outcome” (e.g., pay, benefits, promotions, working conditions) Intrinsic motivation vs. extrinsic motivation?? 9

10 Development of human resources Effective personnel systems - Development of better personnel systems (active recruitment; placement; training; and development) Emphasis on professionalism - Special knowledge and skills related to task and mission accomplishment - Commitment to task and mission accomplishment 10

11 Motivation of Public Bureaucrats Public service motivation - General altruistic motivation to serve the interests of the public and the nation (e.g., patriotism; affection for all people; a devotion to defending human rights; engagement to meaningful public services) Three categories of public service motivation (Perry and Wise 1990) - Instrumental motives (commitment to a public program because personal identification and advocacy of a special or private interest) - Norm-based motives (a desire to serve the public interest) - Affective motives (commitment due to social importance) 11

12 Motivation of Public Bureaucrats Mission motivation Task motivation 12

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