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“Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God, And Renew A Steadfast Spirit Within Me” Psalms 51:10 While Many May Recognize The Need For Change In Their Life: Precious.

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Presentation on theme: "“Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God, And Renew A Steadfast Spirit Within Me” Psalms 51:10 While Many May Recognize The Need For Change In Their Life: Precious."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God, And Renew A Steadfast Spirit Within Me” Psalms 51:10 While Many May Recognize The Need For Change In Their Life: Precious Few Complete The Process Create: “an act or process; to give rise to; to bring into being” Renew: “to make new again” Restore: “to take up again” Recreate: “to refresh mentally/physically” Ephesians 4:20-24 2Corinthians 4:16 “and have on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him” Colossians 3:10

2 Awaken To The Transformative Power Of The Gospel… Romans 12:1-2 The Conversion Process: Renewal Brought About By The Transformation Of The Mind Keep In Mind; This Directive Is Addressed To Christians… We Are A Work In Progress… A Daily Process Of Being Transformed By The Gospel

3 CHANGE: Decision Time Psalms 51:1-4, 10 Recognize error; Set firm resolve/desire to bring about change Joshua 24:15 “Choose” Matthew 6:19-24 Where does your desire reside? Luke 14:26-36 Risk & Reward…

4 OVERCOME THE FEAR OF FAILURE… Keep in mind that none of us is perfect 1John 1:8-10 Oft Times We Learn More From Failure That Success 1Corinthians 9:24-27 Philippians 3:12-14 Don’t beat self up over the past. Grow from it and move on…

5 CREATE A NEW INTERNAL VISION Colossians 3:1-3 Embrace a new perspective of what is truly important in your life 2Corinthians 8:1-9 See what Christ has done, and come to realize the import what is involved in true SACRIFICE. Put others first “Yours and are Increasing…” 2Peter 1:8

6 Five Things That Will Help Bring About Successful Transformation ( change ) Become A Firm Believer In The Power Of The Gospel Romans 1:16 Cast Aside Pessimism Philippians 4:4-8Adaptability; Fitted For Service Ephesians 2:19-22, 4:15-16 Find Your Strengths Romans 14:4-15 “Network” Reach Out To Others For Support 1Corinthians 12:13ff Positive Change Is Possible. Creation Of A New Heart Is Possible; But Only IF We Are Willing To Put Forth The Effort

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